a very dense Queen style track.

I'm glad this resurfaced. Very well done...I could actually use more vocal, but I know you're done, and I also know that my midrange hearing is shot.
Cool thanks guys! I should also point out that it was mixed on a pair of Sennheiser headphones.. which is a pretty big no-no amirite?
I was thinking of buying some decent monitors in the near future, along with some decent pre-amps.
great tune sir.

But i have to ask...what is the focus of the mix at any given moment? ( more of a rhetorical question)

When I am mixing, I like to look at each musical phrase and ask that question. What's the focus. What element did the arranger/ writer (or I) intend to use, primarily, to project the message.

Thinking about these things phrase by phrase or bar by bar may help you improve the mix.

Cool thanks guys! I should also point out that it was mixed on a pair of Sennheiser headphones.. which is a pretty big no-no amirite?
I was thinking of buying some decent monitors in the near future, along with some decent pre-amps.

I use my Senn's all the time for mixing (HD280's and HD600's) I like to mix with them. Dont get me wrong, I listen to a mix on alot of stuff before I render it. But many people say thats a bad thing to do because of bass issues and stereo spread issues. I dont have a problem with it. Plus you can hear more stuff going on with them. I just love my 600's. They are so comfortable and great sounding. My 280's I use for tracking and some mixing.
Jesus H Christ!
This is simply fantastic...yeah, the Queen influence is omnipresent, is that you singing or did Freddie rise from the dead??????
Simply amazing! Well done! :rolleyes::cool::D:)

Joe :):):):):):)
I bought the EP - or is it just the one song?

Anyway, nice work! I'm in the 'raise the vocals some on your next mix' camp. How much time do you spend on a song, generally?
Loved this the 1st time I heard it.."Toehider" is just a incredible song...sounds like a outtake from QueenII's side black:D
This is one I will buy!
You're Not the Girl You Said You Were....
I agree with the previous posters in several things...
- excellent prog rock writing and performance
- excellent vocals
- vocals are wee bit low for me
- the lead is also a bit buried for me in chorus

The Moon was a Kite
- outstanding
- no mix issues for me

Some great material here - congrats on completing your EP :D:cool::D:cool:
I bought the EP - or is it just the one song?

Anyway, nice work! I'm in the 'raise the vocals some on your next mix' camp. How much time do you spend on a song, generally?

Hey man cheers! yep, it's the whole EP.

Usually I'd spend around 2-3 days per song... not counting the actual writing of the song.. but it depends.. the title track took a little longer to record I'd say.
Obviously a great mix and a great sound. I particularly liked the opening verse. I also heard shades of Panic at the disco in that track.