a very dense Queen style track.

Sorry, I have to leave another reply. You pulled this song off very well. This is the kind of song you always hear people trying to do, and it ends up being a load of crap. You did a good job of adding millions of guitars and all sorts of other junk while keeping it under control. I would even say that this beats out Blind Guardian with the layered voices.
Can I be in your band?

To say I'm a Queen fan is a large understatement and this compares so well. Excellent voice and playing. A real drummer would be fantastic although these drums sound very good. Oh and analog, you must record on 16 track 2" tape and bounce until the oxide starts to come off the tape.

Great job.
Do people still get rich from stuff like this? Haha well thanks for the encouragement dude.
I can't get into Blind Guardian, I think my main gripe with a lot of those epic European metal bands is that the funny/not-taking-yourself-too-seriously element is completely lost.
And re: the 2" tape thing... my computer couldn't handle all the plugin craziness most of the time, so for example all the vocals were done in one Pro Tools session, I'd mix them and I'd bounce them all down and import it into my "main" session file, so if one harmony was too quiet, or too loud... I'd either go back and re-bounce it or just think "fuck it!" and leave it! All the keyboard parts, the guitar parts were done in the same way.
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Haha I love this its top notch. Excellent work. Proper over the top mental stuff. I particularly love the vocal works. :D

Put a big smile on my face.
Very good stuff. Better than the crap you hear on the radio today. My only beef, change the color of the fonts on your myspace site. Very hard to read. Especially for my tired old eyes. Again very nice. Give Brian May a call, they could use you as a singer. Paul Rodgers doesnt cut it for me.

That is absolutely jaw-dropping. Love it, love it, love it.

Song is great, vocals are great, guitars are great, bass is great, structure and arrangement are great.

I'm jealous. Please do more.
Very good stuff. Better than the crap you hear on the radio today. My only beef, change the color of the fonts on your myspace site. Very hard to read. Especially for my tired old eyes. Again very nice. Give Brian May a call, they could use you as a singer. Paul Rodgers doesnt cut it for me.

I prefer Paul Rodgers to this singer, tbh.
I have to support a fellow OztraylIan this close to xmas - particularly when they have the taste to wear a little pre Opera Queen on their sleeve.
I paid for the EP even. Waiting to work out how I get it though.
Nothing like this down under since Taste's Tickle Your Fancy! This seems, from memory, to be rather better than that.
:D Hi Kikkis,
Well, I'm not really a Queen fan anymore (used to be for the first 3 albums), but I've really got to hand it to you – this is incredibly well done. Brilliant musicianship, brilliant songwriting, brilliant arrangement, brilliant production, err, so that's brilliant all-round then.

Has very clever changes to it that just fit together right from the outset with no questions asked. I almost can't believe that you say you "don't really know much". You must be joking! ;)

With a few lucky breaks, you'll go far. You seem to have everything it takes, judging by this one track at any rate. I've just noticed from your MySpace page that you play everything yourself, so I'm blown away even more!
Dreamer :cool:
Wow, cheers everyone!
...except that seafroggys guy, meet me behind the garden shed after school..
haha kidding.
I think this is a good place for a particular observation of mine.

This recording is a textbook example of why talent, perseverance, and hard work are, in the long run, really more important than the gear used. (This guy's only got 1 sm57 for god's sake!)

I have heard on this bbs better technical recordings, but I think this is the all around best thing I've heard here to date. (at least in the 'rock' genre.)

If you can get your hands on some good gear, by all means do so. But better than that, work at it, and keep working at it until you've squeezed every bit of creativity out of your recording.

So anyway, just my humble advice.

As Rayc would say: Cheers!