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  1. Bristol Posse


    Just Picked up an Auralex Gramma Normally I avoid their stuff like the plague but since the Mopads work pretty well for my studio monitors and this was going for $40, I figured what the heck. Decouples the amp from the floor and gives you more predictable bass response wherever you are...
  2. Bristol Posse

    Hoping to Reset Inspiration

    So I was feeling kind of “meh” about my song writing and guitar playing. Like I was running out of ideas and inspiration. I’ve written and recorded about twenty songs in the last couple of years, but recently everything I’m doing seems to sound the same as what I’ve already done. Add to this...
  3. Bristol Posse

    New Speaker, Cannabis Rex

    Just dropped a new Eminence Cannabis Rex into my Fender Blues Jr 3. Yay! Now just got a few days of break in to work throgh so lots of scales and barre chords up and down the neck. I can already hear that the top end sounds a little rounder and overall more creamy than the stock speaker...
  4. Bristol Posse

    I'm in Ecstasy (Bogner Ecstasy that is)

    I just pickup up a Bogner Ecstasy Blue pedal. I'm not about to drop 4 grand on a Bogner amp so I have no idea how similar they sound but I wanted to share my thoughts on this pedal whih is suposed to somewhat emulate the blue channel on the Ecstasy amp. I picked it up this morning and will be...
  5. Bristol Posse

    Bandcamp sales?????????

    Wtf, I just sold 11 downloads in one day. That's usually more like what I see in a month if I'm lucky. Does Bandcamp have some kind of spotlight for non paying members or something that I'm oblivious to and didn't notice. Maybe someone just hit 11 instead of one by mistake in the checkout box :D...
  6. Bristol Posse

    New one "For Her"

    more of the occasional silly Brit Pop nonsense from Bristol Posse
  7. Bristol Posse

    Little Boat I haven't recorded one of my little crappy, happy Brit pappy songs in a while. Been travelling a ton for work plus I've been focussing more on playing out. People seemed to like this one when I mixed it in with some...
  8. Bristol Posse

    Any Experience donating song proceeds and keeping fees down

    I'm Investigating setting up my next song so that proceeds go to a local school. Kind of local music project supports local school's Art & Music Programs deal. Looking at band camp but Paypal end up taking a 30% cut. Any one have any experience with small dollar (like $1-2) transactions so that...
  9. Bristol Posse

    The Rain For My Parade

    Haven't posted anything new in a while so I thought I'd throw up a new song This is the first mix and it could be a mistake to post it without a 24 hour cool off period to spot all the glaring errors but here we go anyway I wrote it when I...
  10. Bristol Posse

    0VU Mixing and analog emulatio plugs

    Wow! Got to get the gain staging through the plugs just right but I love the warmth and finish this latest crop of emulation plugs puts on a track Just amazing sounding!
  11. Bristol Posse

    Three Four Time

    It's been a while since I put up a song here. I rebuilt my studio and had to relearn everything on the new set up Anyway, this is a song that was sort of inspired by a trip to Dublin where there was just tons of really good accoustic based live music going on This is the first time I've...
  12. Bristol Posse

    Selling a TASCAM multi track cassette portastudio

    I'm selling a cassette porta studio plus a bunch of cassettes and accessories here Tascam 414 mk II Multitrack Recorder plus extras! - eBay (item 290537976057 end time Feb-26-11 12:16:03 PST)
  13. Bristol Posse

    Selling an SM7B

    I'm selling my SM7B here if interested Shure SM7B Pristine Condition - eBay (item 290537683513 end time Feb-25-11 15:38:04 PST)
  14. Bristol Posse

    Just Got A Tascam 414 MKII, Boy Am I Impressed

    Just picked up a Tascam 414 MkII off craigslist for $45. Wow I'm impressed. First of all the guy who had it before me barely used it it's absolutely mint!! Aside from that I did a thorough cleaning and RBR rejuvinaion on the pinch wheel and a de gaussing of all heads and anything else metal in...
  15. Bristol Posse

    Puddle Jumping

    This is a new song I'm wokring on but I have lost all objectivity about mixing it Thought I'd throw it up here and see if anyone has any thoughts about it It's kind of a work in progress and I'm not sure I even like the title. It's probably going to...
  16. Bristol Posse

    Hybrid analog and Ampsim set up, Finally got it to work right for me!

    Hooray, I'm finally happy with my tone and it's a mix of ITB/OTB I've been playing around with waves GTR 3.5 for about a year and couldn't get it to sound how I wanted, but since I don't have the space or the recording room or really the justification to spend a bunch of money on real amp heads...
  17. Bristol Posse

    Holy Cow I've Been Overthinking This Crap

    Just spent a few days in Dublin and checking out a lot of live music from very good to meh! but what I did notice that all you need is G,D,C and an occaisional E minor. Also when you run out of lyrics Li Di Diddly Di seems to work pretty well. And I've be spending all this tome thinking about...
  18. Bristol Posse

    Strange dreamwriting experience

    Just wanted to share this to see if anyone has ever had a similar experience Last night I was having a rather odd dream, the details of which are unimportant, except that there was a radio playing a song in the background. I woke up at 3 am and could still hear that song so I grabbed my guitar...
  19. Bristol Posse


    This is my new one After spending so much time on the road and at airports that I could barely remember what my familly looked like in the latter part of 2009, I got the idea for a song about just wanting to get home After I finally got to spend some time at home I was able to flesh out the...
  20. Bristol Posse

    That's OK

    Well this maybe a mistake cos I just finised the first mix on this one and I'm sure I'll find a lot I don't like about it when I listen back later... But here's a new one Everything on this was recorded using either an SM7B or SM57. there was too much going on around here to even think about...