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  1. M

    Sampling Question

    Looking for some advice on using a sampler. What I'd like to try is using a stand-alone sampler to make some drum loops. Route my live drums sub-mix into a sampler and play for a few minutes, then make a drum track using the few measures that I actually play well. I don't use a computer to...
  2. M

    The Ones That Got Away

    I'm mainly a guitar player, and my friends and I often discuss the great and/or valuable guitars we had in the past that we sold or traded away, and we are kicking ourselves now. Like my MINT 68 Strat that I bought when I graduated from HS in 1982. Traded it for a BC Rich Eagle. Seemed fair at...
  3. M

    Roland Juno-d

    Hi, does anyone here own one of these? I'm going to pick one up.It will be used to sweeten tracks in my home studio.It will never be used to gig. Any real pros or cons with this one? Thanks- Steve Z.
  4. M

    Digitech SD200- p.o.s. or useful tool?

    Got a chance to buy one used for cheap- 70 bucks. The vocoder presets are what caught my attention- anyone have one of these units? I really like my Digitech Genesis 3 guitar processor, but I've read some negative reviews about the SD200 on Harmony Central. Anyone with experience with this I'd...
  5. M

    Yet another 388 question:

    Hello - I've got another question about my "new" 388. There is no output from the Stereo Out RCA jacks. The gut I got it from said they always used the Monitor Out, which does work just fine. I have not tried the XLR Stereo Outs, don't have any mastering decks with XLR Inputs. I suppose I could...
  6. M

    457 Source?

    Hello- I just got my 388 and need some fresh tape. Made a few calls and everyone was back-ordered. Does anyone know of a source that has Quantegy 457 in stock right now? Thanks. Steve Z.
  7. M

    388 Question...

    Hey- got my 388 from my friend last night. Gonna start doing some testing later today. Here's my first question- what exactly is the tape lifter mechanism for? I don't have the 388 manual yet, should be getting that in a day or two. Thanks in advance. Steve Z.
  8. M

    Window well soundproofing

    Hello- anyone have any good ideas on what materials to use to soundproof a deep window-well in my basement studio? It has a good foot or more depth on the inside, so I could fill it up with quite a bit of material. What has anyone found to work well? Also- should I try to insulate the inside and...
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    Demagnetizing anxiety.....

    Has anyone ever really ruined record heads from a demagnetizing accident? I've never had any problems over the years, but the manual for my 488 makes it sound pretty treacherous. There is a rubber tip on the head of my new demag unit, so it should be pretty safe, right. I'd like to hear if...
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    Question for 388 Owners

    Hey- It looks like I'm getting a used, well cared-for 388 from a friend of mine. He has moved on to computer recording.(I love new technology,it causes people to hand over the good stuff cheap!) My question is: how does the reel to reel section in a 388 compare to other 1/4" 8-track decks? Is it...
  11. M

    488 Mk. 1 Question.

    Hello to all you fellow Tascam fans. I have a question about my "new" 488.(Mk. 1). How hard is it to take the case apart? I need to fix the headphone jack. It shorts out on one side. An easy fix, but how difficult to gain access? If anyone here has taken one of these apart, I would appreciate...