Digitech SD200- p.o.s. or useful tool?


New member
Got a chance to buy one used for cheap- 70 bucks. The vocoder presets are what caught my attention- anyone have one of these units? I really like my Digitech Genesis 3 guitar processor, but I've read some negative reviews about the SD200 on Harmony Central. Anyone with experience with this I'd appreciate your comments.

Thanks- Steve Z.
Well- I went and bought this thing yesterday, and after playing around with it a little, I can answer my own question- It seems to be a useful P.O.S.!!
Seriously, it has some pretty cool effects, and it was cheap.

Steve Z.
some people are going to hate me, but I HATE DIGIJUNK!!!!!!! Would not buy any of it if you gave me the money. I dont understand how they are still in business. Any and every effect sounds processed and crappy no matter how you set your parameters. Have fun with it though. But really listen, maybe youll hear what i am talking about.