Window well soundproofing


New member
Hello- anyone have any good ideas on what materials to use to soundproof a deep window-well in my basement studio? It has a good foot or more depth on the inside, so I could fill it up with quite a bit of material. What has anyone found to work well? Also- should I try to insulate the inside and outside of the window?Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thanks- Steve Z.
I would not recommend that you fill the well with's a potential escape route. You might (I say this with caution) consider a double thick trap door type of thing. Something on hinges that can be easily opened if necessary. You know the saying, isolation comes in the form of mass. What ever you work up, it's going to have to be dense which means heavy. If you've got little ones running around or a fragile female/spouse, this might not be advised.

Are you having problems with sounds coming in or are you trying to save the relationship with your neighbors?
Incorporate one of these(3rd post) designs to fit your window, either the plug of the shutters. You could fill the space(not overly though) between the MDF with absorbant material.
I am mostly concerned about noise going out. My neighbor is a cool old guy who would never complain about the noise, but I want to be a good neighbor. I like the idea of the removable plug, will probably build one of those. I live alone in my house so I am not too worried about anyone else getting out of the window.Thanks for the link, that should work well.
Steve Z.