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    Old 80s' Tune "Ah! Leah!" - Struggling with bass sound

    Old 80's Tune "Ah! Leah!" - Struggling with bass sound Hi all, I heard this song on the radio last week, and figured it might be fun to mess around and make it a little harder sounding since it's such an easy song. I've done some of the vocals, but I wanted to get the mix right without them...
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    Hard rock tune - no vocals yet

    Hi guys, I've just been working on this original song for a bit. Yes I am using the drums from Garageband, but they actually sound pretty decent, I was surprised. Song doesn't have vocals yet so obviously it's a going to get repetitive, but I want to at least get an idea if the mix is decent...
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    Mix opinions on an Iron Maiden cover

    Hey guys, When my band was doing our first CD in the studio several years back just doing the drums, we had extra time left over, so we played some covers to pass the time and we did IM's "Flight of Icarus." Obviously never were going to use this for anything, so the vocals are obviously rough...
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    New song mix

    Just want to get an idea of what needs to be fixed in this mix, comments, etc. Sometimes after I listen for so long, my ears just become mush. :) Thanks guys.
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    Need Some Opinions

    Hey guys, Just wanted to get your thoughts on this mix for my band's demo I'm working on. I am pretty new at all this, so just trying to see if I'm even on the right track. Don't be too hard on the bad singing or playing, I'm more interested in the sound than anything. :) Thanks...
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    A Little Mixing Feedback Please

    Just wanted to you get your guys' take on this song I've been working on. I did it at fist as just a demo for my band members to get an idea, but I actually want to try to get a good mix out of it. So let me know what you think. No vocals, and I'm not the world's great bass player either...
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    Would like some mix opinions

    Hey guys, My first post here. I'm pretty new to recording my own stuff, recorded in plenty of real recording studios, but not doing stuff on my own at home. Anyway, can you guys have a listen to this and let me know what you think of the mix. The song has no vocals recorded yet, I just kind...