New song mix


New member
Just want to get an idea of what needs to be fixed in this mix, comments, etc. Sometimes after I listen for so long, my ears just become mush. :)

Thanks guys.

Cool fuzz sound, I'd bring the drums a bit, I'd like to hear more guitars and vocals. It's cool, kinda Pearl Jam meets Metallica. Very nice solo. Bring up the rhythm guitar after the first solo, and maybe cut the lead dead. Cool sound!
Vocals good level.
Left guitar good on verse.
Right guitar balancing nice with the left.
Bass guitar goo.
Drums might be a tad loud they take out the guitars a bit - that snare sounds pretty fat - cool... kick is good too. Drums sound like they are a little dry, just not 100% in the mix with the guitars/vocals.
Solo is just right.
Playing/tones/vocals very solid - makes mixing easy!

:D :) :D :)
Thanks guys appreciate the comments on the playing, it's actually my band, not just me. We did 11 songs for this CD we want to finish, so I'm just trying to find the right balance and apply it generally to all the songs for a start.

Yeah I thought the drums might be a little loud, I do have reverb on the snare and the toms but that's it.

Would you suggest putting some verb on the cymbals and the overheads too to try to take the dryness away? Add more to the snare? I tried to compress the entire kit, but I don't know I think it makes everything very thin sounding, especially the snare.
Maybe bring the vocals up or compress them a bit harder. Their volume is slightly erratic. Just the very very slightest.
I really don't have any complaints musically. Of course I prefer the drums to be up in a mix that rocks. As far as vocals, perhaps as mentioned the vocals could be compressed a bit harder. It's almost there.
I suck at doing the vocals, I can never seem to get it right. Ok I compressed them a bit more, take a listen. I also threw some more reverb on the cymbals to try to take out the dryness, and took the snare down a bit.

Here are my compressor settings for the vocals, if it still doesn't sound right, maybe tell me which to tweak. I have the backups and the lead on the same bus.

Threshhold -2.6 DB
Amount 12.5x
Attack 15ms
Release 250ms

There's an autogain thing on my compressor plugin, I turned that off.

Thanks again.

kick drum could use a little boost in the high end, as could the snare, but it all sounds good overall. toms could use a little more ring really, they sound a little dead.
listening to the second one. sounds pretty good overall. the lead vocal is all over the place volume wise. squash that sucker and see what happens. the kick sticks out here and there too. maybe squash it too or setup a volume envelope. the reverb sounds kind of excessive. nice playing.
BAN5150 said:
From what I have, just take up the amount and maybe lower the attack?

i couldn't tell you without twisting the knobs myself. as big as those volume differences are i'd use a volume envelope first. if you mega squash it to bring those big peaks down, the whole thing is going to sound like crap i think.
Yeah that's just gonna be a pain to go through and find all the peaks, but I think you're probably right, that's the best way.
listening for big peaks

kick and or bass:


took a few minutes :D i probably missed a couple.
yea, as far as the kick. it could be the bass doing some of that too.

i only heard a few major jumps in the vocals. use an envelope on those, compress the rest a little more, and you should be good to go.
I hear some of the bass ones, it's basically during same changes or the chorus where our bass player is playing harder. I'll see if I can compress it a little more. I think that's a lot of the kick issues too you're right.

The vocals are just in a few places, usually when our singer yells...which is basically every other second, because he can't really sing. :)
Well our drummer actually is the sound guy who recorded this whole thing, and then after he mixed the first two songs he was like...."Um I don't want to be in the band anymore. Here's all the wav files, have fun." Uh ok then. :)
All right, one more shot tonight (well this morning), I'm tired. Let me know if I'm at least on the right track. The kick my still be hot in sections, but I flattened the bass as best I could and compressed and messed with the vocal volumes a little more.

vocals sound a little better i think. :confused: i need some sleep. i don't hear as many peaks with the kick/bass but there are still a lot of loud kicks.