Hard rock tune - no vocals yet


New member
Hi guys,

I've just been working on this original song for a bit. Yes I am using the drums from Garageband, but they actually sound pretty decent, I was surprised. Song doesn't have vocals yet so obviously it's a going to get repetitive, but I want to at least get an idea if the mix is decent, and the sounds are OK. Kind of an early 90's hard rock tune, dated-sounding to most of you probably, but what I like to play. :) Appreciate the feedback.

Hm... There is too much high end in this track for me. And rhythmic figure of kick drum in a verse is annoying. I'd make more simple beat. Guitars and bass are playing good. Did you use amp simulation plugin? I'd try to find some different guitar tone. It hard to tell something about music without vocal. Right now the track sounds very boring. I'll be waiting for full version :)
Yeah drums sound pretty good on the cheap system I am listening on. Good playing. For me I would have the guitars a little more upfront. Sounds like they are sitting behind the rest of the band a little too much. Would be interested in hearing vocals on it when you get them on there.