Mix opinions on an Iron Maiden cover


New member
Hey guys,

When my band was doing our first CD in the studio several years back just doing the drums, we had extra time left over, so we played some covers to pass the time and we did IM's "Flight of Icarus." Obviously never were going to use this for anything, so the vocals are obviously rough and just scratch tracks (not that our singer is Bruce Dickinson by ANY stretch anyway HAHA), there are no backing vocals, we play the song a little differently, and I didn't cut out all the studio banter, not that any of this is important. :) So a few days ago, I decided to re-record the guitars and mix it for fun, see if I can finally learn to mix right and not have to always have someone do it for us. So appreciate any feedback on the mixing itself, not on the playing, but you can berate that if you feel the need to. :) Thanks for your time, this forum is a great source for information!

Not bad actually. It sounds like a live recording, minus the audience.

Do you have individual tracks of the drums, or are you working with just the original mix of them?
HAHA maybe I should just throw some fake audience noise in there and call it a day.

No I have all the original drum tracks.
That is what I would do! :D

The reason I asked about the drum tracks, is because they are not up front like a typical song of this genre should be. That alone, makes the song sound like a live recording. If this is not what you want, then I would start with the drums.
That is what I would do! :D

The reason I asked about the drum tracks, is because they are not up front like a typical song of this genre should be. That alone, makes the song sound like a live recording. If this is not what you want, then I would start with the drums.

I definitely don't want it to sound like a live recording. Do you think I probably have too much reverb on the drums? I think for me my biggest thing is I don't know how to get the drums sparkly and lively like a good rock mix, it always seems like my downfall, they just sound flat. So I always assume maybe it's I need more reverb, but I guess that's really not the case.
Naw, reverb will just push them back. That is a common mistake many make, thinking that reverb makes things sound big. It can create a sense of a big environment, but typically does not make drums sound better. Though, completely dry drums are not necessarily pleasing either.
That ain't bad. Aalthough, I agree about the drums. How were they recorded? If you tell us about the setup it would help with recommendations.
I think there's just too much verb on almost everything. I'd bring the drums up some in volume too.

Tones are all good and very workable.

I like this cover a lot.
Dude !!!, get the others to sing harmony during the chorus !!!! Sounds good though. Id leave it. Sounds correct for how you did it.
Left guitar sounds a little too loud compared to the right. The solo could be bumped up in volume a bit. I agree about the drums. A little bit too much reverb on the vox, but that kinda fits that old IM style - I'd still pull it back a bit.