Recent content by smuckinfart1

  1. S

    Quick recording

    So my buddy and I were jammin and decided to write an acoustic,almost folky,type of song. This is the product of our creativity or maybe just the effects of too much beer. Anyway, in two hours we wrote and recorded this bad boy. Its really rough but I just wanted a few opinions on it. So...
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    My angry song....

    Heres one that I recorded about a year and a half ago. I can tell there are alot of problems with the mix but I'd still like to see what everyone thinks about it. thanks! kev The song is called "Give"
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    Hello all. Since I record everything dry on my comp I need to find a good reverb. Right now Im using Sonic foundrys plugins but they sound way to harsh to me. Any suggestions? kev
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    Cover song

    Hello all,this is my first post in the clinic.I want to start off by saying that I hate doing covers but I havent recorded in about a year.Since im just unfolding my wings again I didnt wanna trash one of my songs and just have to redo it at a later date. This song was a hidden track off the...
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    compression on bass

    Hello all,I have an acoustic song I recorded a few years ago that I want to go back and put a bass track on. The song itself is slower and mellow,a cheesy love song. Do I want to compress the bass,make it very tight and pronounced? Or do I leave the compression off and let the bass kinda run...
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    help with acid.BLAHH!

    Hello all.Heres my problem.Im running acid pro 2.0 and everytime i try to record a guitar track its out of time on playback.I'll record say 10 seconds worth of my playing,then when i go to play it back its in time for the fist few seconds then as it progresses it starts getting way out!Is there...