Introduction: My struggle with home recording

Guys please do not EVER tell me I'm fucked, or that I should give up. Or anything like that. EVER!

I am bad about internalizing that shit. I am here to vent frustration so LET ME DO IT.

ONLY positive encouragement from now on.
The primary root of my problem, I believe, has mostly to do with sound. Namely, I cannot get amp sims and various plugins to produce the sorts of tone that I want to head. It is stifling the process of creation.
What you should be doing, is having fun. Music is supposed to be fun.

You seem to be taking this too seriously, and are missing that most important fundamental.
It's somewhat unfair to ask us opinions, then tell us to only give you positive ones? We have tried that and you insist on telling us we're wrong and you really can't do it.

You can come on here and rant if you like - maybe that makes you feel less bad, but what do you want us to do? Believe your opinion that your musical life sucks (which we've already said it doesn't) or keep telling you the mojo hasn't been lost permanently. We cannot win? You are convinced everything is wrong - your tone, your creativity, even your ability. What do you want of us? I said OK - if you feel like that give up. Or, do something about it. I don't mean do something about your tone - it's good. Your creativity to me seems fine too. You think I'm wrong. It's not for me to persevere in convincing you.

Maybe it would be better to find somebody local ... like a friend. A real one, not a cyber-friend. Cry on their shoulder, or get cross and kick a few things, whatever you need.

Somebody once wanted me to run a music course for people who were not musical, for therapy. I tried one session and the idea that music is a therapy (something I'd heard lots of times) went right out the window. It can be a therapy, for some, but its a depressant for others. I'd consider taking a break from it, because it's not working.

The idea that you cannot get a 'tone' is stifling your creativity is laughable. You have a guitar, just play the damn thing - unplugged if necessary, or thorough some real pedals and an amp - I cannot imagine any guitarist NOT having an amp and only having a computer and plug-ins? Surely that's not how you do it is it?

Give it a rest for a week then start again. If it doesn't work after a short break, then give up the guitar and try something else. There is a phrase flogging a dead horse? We do not believe you are hearing what we hear - therefore we just cannot convince you. If this is where you are in your head, then to keep trying is fruitless and maybe damaging to your health.
Guys please do not EVER tell me I'm fucked, or that I should give up. Or anything like that. EVER!

I am bad about internalizing that shit. I am here to vent frustration so LET ME DO IT.

That says lots about you, and nothing about music. Vent away - just don't expect us to reply. We tried.
It's somewhat unfair to ask us opinions, then tell us to only give you positive ones? We have tried that and you insist on telling us we're wrong and you really can't do it.

You can come on here and rant if you like - maybe that makes you feel less bad, but what do you want us to do? Believe your opinion that your musical life sucks (which we've already said it doesn't) or keep telling you the mojo hasn't been lost permanently. We cannot win? You are convinced everything is wrong - your tone, your creativity, even your ability. What do you want of us? I said OK - if you feel like that give up. Or, do something about it. I don't mean do something about your tone - it's good. Your creativity to me seems fine too. You think I'm wrong. It's not for me to persevere in convincing you.

Maybe it would be better to find somebody local ... like a friend. A real one, not a cyber-friend. Cry on their shoulder, or get cross and kick a few things, whatever you need.

Somebody once wanted me to run a music course for people who were not musical, for therapy. I tried one session and the idea that music is a therapy (something I'd heard lots of times) went right out the window. It can be a therapy, for some, but its a depressant for others. I'd consider taking a break from it, because it's not working.

The idea that you cannot get a 'tone' is stifling your creativity is laughable. You have a guitar, just play the damn thing - unplugged if necessary, or thorough some real pedals and an amp - I cannot imagine any guitarist NOT having an amp and only having a computer and plug-ins? Surely that's not how you do it is it?

Give it a rest for a week then start again. If it doesn't work after a short break, then give up the guitar and try something else. There is a phrase flogging a dead horse? We do not believe you are hearing what we hear - therefore we just cannot convince you. If this is where you are in your head, then to keep trying is fruitless and maybe damaging to your health.

That says lots about you, and nothing about music. Vent away - just don't expect us to reply. We tried.
Not even reading this. Either encouragement, and NEVER tell me I'm screwed, or piss off. There is no argument or debate. If you don't like it, there are a thousand other threads here. Don't come back here with one further post arguing with me. You either respond with agreement, or don't respond at all.
I don't want to see anybody else coming back posting about how I'm "being unfair" because I keep whining and putting myself down, but expecting only encouragement out of you guys.

It's MY THREAD! I will say what I want. I will deal with the frustration in whichever way I want here in this thread. If you don't like it, you can go to some other thread. I'll keep posting that stuff here even if I'm the only one still posting in here. But don't come back telling me "I'm screwed" or need to "give up" again. If anyone is allowed to say that stuff, it's ME and ME ONLY, because it's only to vent.

Don't like it, don't come back. I won't argue this point any further.
Not even reading this. Either encouragement, and NEVER tell me I'm screwed, or piss off. There is no argument or debate. If you don't like it, there are a thousand other threads here. Don't come back here with one further post arguing with me. You either respond with agreement, or don't respond at all.
haha..Where you learn to talk with people?

There might be something going on here.

I should not be considered Homerecordings Crisis Management.
. I'll keep posting that stuff here even if I'm the only one still posting in here. But don't come back telling me "I'm screwed" or need to "give up" again. If anyone is allowed to say that stuff, it's ME and ME ONLY, because it's only to vent.
you need to chill
Don't like it, don't come back. I won't argue this point any further.
yeah id quit while your ahead..
What makes you think you own the topic? I just don't understand what the point of a topic is if all you want are pats on the back - but you don't even seem to want this either. If I'm understanding you, you want a topic where you say repeated you are rubbish, and you can't create music anymore.

If we agree, you say we are wrong.
If we disagree, you say we are wrong

If we tell you you are good, we are wrong. If we tell you you are bad, we are wrong.

Perhaps you could just rant for a few dozen posts, tell us when you've done, and we can tell you a bedtime story and you can drop off to sleep and wake up less bad tempered, grumpy and miserable. Maybe you'd be better off doing a grumpy man podcast, where you don't need to actually communicate.

So basically, you are screwed and probably should give up because the chip on your shoulder is as huge as Mount Everest. Why are you so angry with us for trying to help?

Me and Lazer often totally disagree on our thoughts, but on this, I think we're the most thinking alike that we have ever been!

I suspect you'll have the topic to yourself from now on - it's clear we cannot get through to you and you're sadly, a lost cause. I hope you come through the other side.
I think the guys have some really valid points. You just keep bitching about what you can't do. That's not a good way to create anything.

You sound like you want to write songs like the bands that just start jamming, and end up with a song. Notice that I said "BANDS". That means a collaborative effort, folks who know each other and are good at reading each other's minds. That doesn't often happen when you're in the basement with your guitar and nobody to bounce off ideas, or other instruments.

If you asked if you sound like Eddie VanHalen, we could answer that. Sound like Kirk Hammett? We could answer that too. You've got a guitar sound in your head, and NONE OF US can hear it. We can't tell you how to get from where you are to where you want to be. I thought your guitar sound was VERY clear, crisp, in your face and upfront. You think it sounds lofi and muddy. Maybe your monitoring setup is leading you down the wrong road.

Better yet, quit trying to sound like everybody else (they all sound different anyway). I worship Hendrix's playing, I've never tried to cop his sound. I sound like me, and that sound changes depending on the guitar, amp and pedal I'm playing. I accept it, and use that to inspire my playing.

I said it before.... a riff is not a song. A guitar sound is not a song. Turn on a drum machine, write out a verse worth of a chord progression and play it out. Then work on a middle 8 or the chorus. Write some words. Look at the newspaper and use a news story, find a way to tell that story in a song. Look out the window and daydream about a vacation... write it down. THAT'S writing a song.

5 seconds of a riff is 2% of a song.
In all the years we’ve done this too and fro on the forum, we’ve had people post seriously awful stuff and People have always been supportive and helpful. It’s been as bad as “tune the guitar, man” then discovering that what we could hear, he couldn’t, so a few tuner discussions further he went off and made decent music. Others have serious tone issues, really unlike anything commercial. Laser had some grief recently when he couldn’t get a sound he wanted and he sorted it, but in this case we get maybe a guitar riff that lasts twenty seconds. We hear decent playing, and to idiots like me, a commercial, common sound. We don’t see or hear problems, but the OP does but cannot articulate what the sound in his head is compared to what he hears. Like the lost chord, we can’t be mind readers. Then we have an issue with the song as a whole. What is a song in this context with this playing style? A sequence of building blocks? 4 or 8 bar sections to be joined into intro, verses, chorus, a middle 8 and then more verses, choruses and some kind of end. All we know is that the short section we hear is unacceptable, bad and wrong. Give us something to work with, or what is the point?

and please………. Remember you want something from the forum, so cut the abuse of the people trying to help!