Introduction: My struggle with home recording

Well that’s the thing. You need a selling point. The studio in town’s selling point is that it has a great room (mine isn’t bad). Mine is that the signal chain is better. The studio in town’s signal chain actually uses a rather cheap preamp and mic. But he’s working full time! I know a AE in Cleveland that has neither an amazing studio room or a great signal chain (he actually uses Behringer mics and console preamps), BUT his portfolio is amazing, so he can afford to do that. I can’t, as my portfolio is not nearly as extensive.
That’s a good way to look at it! I’m just afraid to get any kind of negative reputation if the outcome doesn’t meet their expectations. Sadly, I don’t have a great room or a great signal chain. I have heard some great recordings on cheap gear. Im just not quite there yet with my abilities. I’ve had some success. I just can’t seem to make every song consistent. Mixing different genres is tough also. Im looking to invest in some room treatment and better cables. I’m going to eventually invest in better gear once I’m more confident in my abilities and sure that it’s a good investment. Lol Thanks for the input!
I can understand your frustration. I've been through the same thing. It's tough trying to get started with home recording, but it's definitely not impossible. Here are a few things that might help you out:

1. Don't be afraid to ask for help. There are plenty of people on forums like this one who are more than happy to offer advice.

2. Start small. Don't try to record an entire album your first time out. Instead, try recording a few songs and see how it goes.

3. Practice, practice, practice! The more you know about your DAW and how to use it, the easier it will be to record songs that sound good.

Jason Hook. I enjoy remixing old songs using Audacity together with UnMixIt for vocal removal or isolation
Yes, but as guitarist (and a very good one),

this is of interest for me to experiment with on different amps/sims. I'm not exact
What I think is going to sound cool, Eagle screams..Layered behind the solo. Waves has the CR8 sampler, it comes with like 2500 samples.

Yeah man, you got to experiment around some.

This is so bad ass...Amping the guitar track with screaming animals...

Screenshot 2022-03-06 074459.jpg

Your all like, Beak, thats the greatest thing I ever heard. How have you come up with mixing metal riffs with bird calls. It is because I rule. I eat red meat, but in a socially responsible way. Its lonely at the top. After all I'm just one man.
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. How have you come up with mixing metal riffs with bird calls.
That is a great question. Let me explain. My previous attemp Twiddlee Dee , that also uses that CR8 sampler. I sampled a couple sections of Rockin Robin. That gave me the idea to try other bird samples. Not just the Rockin Robin tweet.

Here this one.

I think samplers are the way. They can help you too. There are like thousands of sounds. Just find the one you like and put it behind your recording. Spruce it up. They have guitars, basses, drums, all kinds to make everything better.

haters gonna hate..
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Kinda rude
Not at all. You asked a question that I found confusing. Have a look at what you wrote. You said "I sort of liked the tone I came up with in that most recent clip. Don't you agree?"
I'm asking, what is it that you want to know if we agree ? The way you've worded it, it looks like you're asking if we agreed that you'd liked the tone, not whether it was a good tone or if we liked it.
I was just asking for clarification.

And you didn't answer my question about the amp. It could make a big difference if you can get the sound you like from an amp.
It's been a while, but I've been working on trying to figure this stuff out. Been doing my homework. Its still frustrating me, but...

What do you guys think of this tone? What, in your opinion, is wrong/right with it?


  • STLEmissaryIgnite4.mp3
    906.9 KB
One thing I'm confused about is why everyone else's recordings always sound so crisp, clear, up front, defined, warm, etc... Where mine always seem to sound muffled, off in the distance, low-fi, etc... I would think using VSTs would eliminate the possibility of it sounding like it was recorded with a cheap mic an a alleyway.

The go-to answers from people seem to be things like "it starts with a good performance", "change your strings", "set your input level right", etc. etc.

I've done all this. I don't think it has anything to do with these things. There has to be something to it that I'm not aware of. Some kind of audio setting(s) in the DAW or whatnot.
It's been a while, but I've been working on trying to figure this stuff out. Been doing my homework. Its still frustrating me, but...

What do you guys think of this tone? What, in your opinion, is wrong/right with it?
There's nothing objectively wrong with this tone. You don't like your tones.. that's subjective. You should put down some tracks with bass, drums and vocals so you can hear what it really sounds like.

I just started on a new song and all I've been listening to is my lonely guitar while I get the initial rhythm smoothed out and tight. It sounded like crap the first 6 run throughs and it's not too much better now, though it is tighter. But I know it's going to sound great when it pops out on the other side of this project with all the other added tracks.
There's nothing objectively wrong with this tone. You don't like your tones.. that's subjective. You should put down some tracks with bass, drums and vocals so you can hear what it really sounds like.

I just started on a new song and all I've been listening to is my lonely guitar while I get the initial rhythm smoothed out and tight. It sounded like crap the first 6 run throughs and it's not too much better now, though it is tighter. But I know it's going to sound great when it pops out on the other side of this project with all the other added tracks.
I think I actually kind of like this one but my brain is so fried from the past several weeks of immersing myself into this crap and getting nowhere that I've honestly lost all sense of what I like. My brain is fatigued and fried.
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I think I actually kind of like this one but my brain is so fried from the past several weeks of immersing myself into this crap and getting nowhere that I've honestly lost all sense of what I like. My brain is fatigued and fried.
That happens. Give it a break. Then hate it later. At least you gave it some time... :)

Seriously, you gotta stop over anal-izing yourself.
I'm looking to upgrade my studio monitors. I've currently got Mackie CR3s. They've done well since I've had them but I want to upgrade. What is a good set for recording within the $500 range? That's my budget. Are there ones more suited for hard rock music like I play?
That happens. Give it a break. Then hate it later. At least you gave it some time... :)

Seriously, you gotta stop over anal-izing yourself.
No, I have to push back on that.

I'm not over analyzing myself. I truly CAN'T come up with anything good, and my recordings truly DON'T sound good or inspiring. It's not a matter of wrong perception on my part. It's not over analysis. My self-assessments are correct and accurate.

Weeks on end I have spent all day every day at my computer with my guitar trying like hell to write, generate ideas, record myself, mess with DAWs, amp sims, purchase courses, read, research, etc. etc. I'm talking like almost 17 hours per day or even more. I stay up until 6 or 7 in the morning. Wake up at noon, and I'm at my computer with my guitar first thing.

After weeks of this, still not one single, repeat, not ONE SINGLE riff has come out of it. Not one song or idea has flourished. Everything just sounds dull, stale, and uninspiring. I always thought recording myself and playing back what I just heard would get me inspired because I'd hear little things that sounded good and it would spark creativity.

That moment NEVER comes now. Like I said, everything sounds stale, dull, and uninspiring. The guitar tone never sounds even remotely good in the DAW with amp sims. When you render the track and listen to it outside the DAW it sounds like this little crappy hunk of dog shit.

I give up. Idk how these guys on the internet/YouTube do it. I certainly don't have what it takes.

and I KNOW its not me over-analyzing myself. I actually CAN'T make anything sound halfway decent. It's not misperception on my part.
I'm not over analyzing myself. I truly CAN'T come up with anything good, and my recordings truly DON'T sound good or inspiring. It's not a matter of wrong perception on my part. It's not over analysis. My self-assessments are correct and accurate.
You ever try any drugs? Twist one up, you know. Get your joint on
Weeks on end I have spent all day every day at my computer with my guitar trying like hell to write, generate ideas, record myself, mess with DAWs, amp sims, purchase courses, read, research, etc. etc. I'm talking like almost 17 hours per day or even more. I stay up until 6 or 7 in the morning. Wake up at noon, and I'm at my computer with my guitar first thing.
17 hours. Yeah man, turn it off. Dude, nobody sleeps til noon anymore. I got shit to do.
I give up.
that was easy.
and I KNOW its not me over-analyzing myself. I actually CAN'T make anything sound halfway decent. It's not misperception on my part.
Sadly, the one person who really thinks this is you. Have you noticed not one person agrees with you. Of course you have periods of low output. Totally normal. You cannot have continuous output, but we’ve heard bits and pieces of your work and we genuinely feel the negativity you show is not obvious in the clips. of course it’s your right to criticise and over analyse, but we are an audience of sorts and we do not agree with you. You go off on big downers. If you said you were brilliant, and we said in unison, no you are rubbish, that’s negative, even if true, but we’ve never had a topic where we spend so much time telling you your perception is wrong. If you genuinely think your playing and recording ability, let alone the writing is below par, you are wrong. On a scale of terrible to excellent, why are you placing yourself much lower than we think?

maybe you should give up music. Maybe you are unsuited for it. Maybe you have burned out? We doubt it. You are convinced. If you wont listen, why post?
His 'create-in' levels might be low.

If this is some sort of emotional block..That is all gravitation forces and shifting of the Earth's core. He could be screwed.