What recording/mixing software are you using?

What recording software are you using?

  • Sound Forge

    Votes: 62 5.9%
  • N-Track

    Votes: 32 3.0%
  • Ableton Live

    Votes: 65 6.2%
  • Sonar Studio

    Votes: 46 4.4%
  • Sonar Producer

    Votes: 163 15.5%
  • Pro Tools

    Votes: 151 14.4%
  • Cubase

    Votes: 271 25.8%
  • Tracktion

    Votes: 25 2.4%
  • Digital Performer

    Votes: 21 2.0%
  • Logic Pro

    Votes: 87 8.3%
  • Image Line

    Votes: 24 2.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 333 31.7%

  • Total voters
I'm using Acoustica Mixcraft 4 but plan on adding FL Studio in addition to Mixcraft as soon as I update my computer.

Has anyone familiar with these and others have any suggestions or comments?
I'm using Acoustica Mixcraft 4 but plan on adding FL Studio in addition to Mixcraft as soon as I update my computer.

Has anyone familiar with these and others have any suggestions or comments?

i wouldnt see what FL studio would really bring to mixcraft...whereas the instruments are pretty good they wouldnt justify the move..Id do it for the sequencer but beatcraft by Acoustica is better imho...and its only $40 or $50 to add...

not that Im saying FL is shite just that you are just replacing one DAW for another with no significant benefit..
Here's what I'm using for various applications

Kristal (Main DAW & Laptop)
Energy XT2.5(Laptop) (getting replaced by AP)
Audacity 1.3.9 Beta (Main DAW)
Audacity Portable 1.2.6 (Laptop)
MixPad Audio Mixer 1.00 (Main DAW)
Aodix v4.2.0.1 (Main DAW)
Jackson DJ Mixing V1.34 (Laptop)
Rax n TraX v1.3.3 (Main DAW)
TrakAxPC v3.0.193 (Main DAW)

I am very partial to Kristal and Audacity as almost everyone I know has these programs and it's easy to bounce tracks to each other. :D
i use ableton seven at the moment cant really afford to bring it up to 8, but am i alone in using ableton as a standard audio recording software like cubase or logic instead of the loops based music that it is aimed at?:confused: by this i mean i never really use the session window except for a mixer, i just record into arrangement view,

i find it very easy to work with none the less
I am a big fan of Magix Samplitude. I've been a Magix user for quite a while and the current version has just about everything I need, although the Drums are not the best. I also have Sonar and sometimes use the VSTs/ Drums from that with Samplitude,
I use samplitude and nuendo. depend how i feel at the time with the track. if i make my beat, ill use reason and rewire with fl to do the basic drums,sometimes ill use the vst ez drummer or something at the same time. I have so much drum sounds between reason and fl .it is insaine. Then ill use samplitude or nuendo and finish the track with some more plug ins.
if someone comes to the studio with there own track. i use nuendo all the time.
to me daws are like cars. i know they all can almost, and I say almost do the same. point a to b. like a car. I guess im the one with alot of cars in the drive way. They all have diffrent purpose.
My vote... REAPER!! love it and as pointed out in previous post, very simple to use with great results! Much less in cost than most of the big names and does just as much or more. New Poll Needed!!! :eek:
I forgot to check whether the poll offered multiple options.

If I'm tracking, overdubbing, editing, or mixing in my own studio I use Digital Performer.

If I'm tracking in a commercial facility I use Pro Tools.

If I'm tracking in a remote location, I use Cubase LE4.

If I'm mixing in a commercial facility, I use whatever their DAW-du-jour is...provided it's an OTB job (preferably with an analog console).

If I'm mixing in a commercial facility and it's an ITB job, I use Digital Performer...or I decline the gig.

I won't even accept DAW editing work outside of my own facility. There are kids half my age who are twice as fast.
I'll be running Reaper on my MacBook Pro as soon as it comes in. My student loan money cannot come in soon enough! :D
I've used Ableton Live, Cubase and I now use Samplitude V10 Pro. I am very impressed with Samplitude. It is so logical to use and I love the object workflow they've incorporated into Samplitude.

If you haven't used or tried Sam, check it out. It's amazing.
still using tracktion3 ..with my new mackie 1620i desk ...works like a dream!! i would still say its the easiest package out there to use but sounds just as good as any other.
i have sonar 8.5, audition 3, pro tools m-powered 8 and just downloaded reapers trial to give it a go. I rarely use sonar anymore, pro tools is for my mixing and recording and i use audition cos it has lots of handy tools for mastering.
Used Cubase for about 5 seconds before I moved to Reaper and haven't looked back. Was going to try Pro Tools LE because it came with my interface but really haven't felt any desire to.

Tried Ableton after hearing it was handy for instrumental/beats type stuff. I don't get it lol Maybe I just haven't given it a fair shot but I don't see the benefits in it.