Q. Hello, sorry to bother you but!...I'm 14 years old and I really wanna mix...unfortunately after reading everything on your page it doesn't tell me what I need to get started...I just want small used pieces of equipment to start off to learn etc. you understand (I hope) please help... A. Hey, I was 14 and broke once myself (now I'm lots older and everything's broke :-). Anyway, it sounds like you're looking for a checklist of what to buy. Here's a good start: 1. you need a 4-track recorder, right? Cheapest you're going to find
is one of the Tascam Porta 03 or 01 or Fostex, used, maybe $125 or so
is all they're worth. That's the bare minimum, plus a stereo system as a "monitor",
or headphones to hear what's going on.