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"Do it yourself." To some people, that's a sign that whatever-it-is just simply isn't good enough, the idea being that only things done or made "professionally" are the best.

But professional just means you get paid for it, and we all know people whose professional lives consist of punching a clock and waiting for the day to end. In almost any field, give me a talented, enthusiastic amateur any time! This is especially true for home recording; since "project studio" equipment has been getting so good lately, people have been renting out their home-based facilities for bands to cut CDs, and more than one top hit record, er, album has been made on equipment within the financial reach of many of us. In the near future, I expect that many bands will combine the Internet with this new audio technology, and you'll see some real changes in the way music is marketed.

While the site as a whole is dedicated to Home Recording, the specific purpose of this area of the site is to provide resources for hardcore do-it-yourself music people. Whether you're interested in making your own instruments, equipment, or CDs, there's something here for everyone. Enjoy!
-- Dragon

Make Your Own Equipment

If you have more time than money, want to learn more about how things work, or want something to your own specifications, you can build your own equipment, ranging from instruments to effects!

The Home Recording Discount Bookstore

Great Folk Instruments to Make & Play ~ Usually ships in 2-3 days
Dennis Waring / Paperback / Published 1999
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Make Your Own Electric Guitar ~ Usually ships in 24 hours
Melvyn Hiscock, Brian May (Introduction) / Paperback / Published 1998

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Digital Projects for Musicians
Craig Anderton, et al / Paperback / Published 1995

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