Mastering a DP-004

You did everything right>>> set the out point again>>> press the record mode button>>> turn the wheel to Master record>>> Press F4>>> Put on head phones>>> Press the record and PlayBack>>> key to start the master recording
It will automaticly stop at the end of recording the master>>> Press the record mode key to open the recorder mode screen>>> turn thr data wheel to master play>>> Press F4 and then the play back button>>>

I have a DP-008 and a 488 MarkII and a DP24SD
Windshear I mean to tell you I tried that three times and it every time went from 2h09m31s to 00-00-00 I cant start the Master Rec at the further in point It wants to Master the whole card ending at 2h14m40s
Is the fact true that I cannot master songs that are not "saved" if they are recorded further onto the partition such as the one we tried (2h09m31s)
It's not setting the end point for some reason>>> Press the in/out key>>> open the i/o screen>>> play the song back and press F4 where you want the song to end>>> Then try to master again
Well I think I am setting the end point correctly but the start just will not register it moves every time back to zero- the start of the card's partition anyway i have to get some sleep this problem is past my paygrade
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