Possible to adjust all volume sliders at once?


New member
I'd like to grab all the volume sliders of my tracks and bring them all down by the same amount such that I can eliminate a track going in the red (and then have some more room to play with if it's cranked to the max), but then use the master to bring the whole thing back up to just under the red, ya know?

Is it possible to select them all and move them up and down by the same exact amount?


I think I just answered my own question looking at the wiki help. Apparently just hold control and select all tracks, then use up/down arrows to adjust? The tracks seem to not all move at once, but looking at the numbers it appears they do in fact get adjusted the same amount, but the sliders aren't necessarily (visually) synched up.
agreed .... that's possible...
No that isn´t possible, reaper does all inside calculations in 64 or 32bit floating point, so it is virtually impossible to overdrive a subgroup.

But it certainly is possible to overdrive plugins that aren´t capable of floating point.