

New member
Hi, just wondering if there is a way to preset the tracks so I don't have to set them up on every start up? Does that make sense??? What I have to do now is the multitrack view i click on track 1 and open the track properties. I then select firepod 1/2 and then left only for that track. I move down to the second track and do the same thing (firepod 1/2) except I select right only, on to track 3 and select firepod 3/4 and left only, on and on I go until all 8 are done in this way. Is there a way to set it so it starts up this way? Thanks in advance
yea...set up a session the way you want...then go to FILE > DEFAULT SESSION. If you have several different settings that you want, set up the first one and go FILE > save session > name it "settings A"...or whatever. Then shut down the program, re-open and setup "settings B" and so on....if you are going to use settings "B", then open it...and record your tracks. Once you are done recording, instead of simply doing a SAVE, choose to SAVE AS. This will let you rename the session while leaving the "SETTINGS B" unchanged.
