ahem, pirate copies...


New member
does any1 know where i can get me a copy of cakewalk pro 9... it oocured to me the other day i was still kickin on with version 6 or sumthing...
ahem... buy an upgrade from v6.

Seriously, I probably wouldn't've (nice grammar, eh?) recommended this for v7 or v8, but pa9 is such an improvement over the older versions... and plus, you'll be able to upgrade to 10 (if and when it comes out) for 80$, as opposed to the 4 or 5 hundred it would cost new.

Of course, you don't have to... look hard enough and long enough, you'll find it (trust me, it's around)

William Underwood

P.S. to anyone who cares...

I'm baaaaaaack!!