Importing Pre-made MIDI Files?


Esoteric Order of R'lyeh
Imported some Ghosthack Audio loops into Live 9 (IOS) this week and no problem. Just tried to import a "MIDI Loop" from the same company. The file appears on the track, but I'm not hearing audio. I'm assuming I'm doing something painfully basic wrong here.

I can see the MIDI "notes" on the track, but that is all.

Thanks in advance for any help you may have!


  • unnamed.webp
    550.7 KB · Views: 2
Midi is simply a set of instructions saying which to note to play, when and for how long.

It needs something to generate the sound. This is usually achieved in a couple of ways. One is by loading a virtual instrument onto the track that has the midi, and getting the midi to play that. Another way is to send the midi to an external sound module via a midi interface (or an audio interface with midi in and out on it).

If you are on a PC, you may be able to direct the midi output to the MS Wavetable.
As Gekko said. You have instruments in Ableton. Add a synth or if it is drum VTSi on that track and you are set.
Hey, from the looks of your screenshot you've only got the midi data but no instrument to play.

Go to your instruments on the left-hand side and drag an instrument to the bottom where it says "drag instrument or sample here".

Ableton doesn't add an instrument by default because you may want to use that midi data to send to an external midi instrument.

Let me know if that helps!