Zoom H2n & lavalier mic


New member

I’ve just bought a Zoom H2n and was looking for a lav mic to use. I read earlier from another forum post a recommendation of a lav mic which is a trrs mic. I saw on a youtube video earlier that trrs microphones are not compatible with Zoom handy recorders. Is anybody able to confirm.

Many thanks

I don't use either of these myself. I did find some info indicating the Lav mic's TRRS needs to plug into a TRRS to TRS adapter for the H2N. You should be able to find a Lav mic package with whatever adapter cables you'll need. Something like this : https://www.amazon.com/Purple-Panda...-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

Check this out - scroll down a ways to get to the H2N section :

Why not just buy the right mic? There are plenty of xlr adaptors to power 5v mics. If you buy a 4 circuit mic, it’s meant for use on laptops and some phones? Do you really want that kind of lav mic? Stacking adapters that wiggle and don’t lock is a great way of losing recordings, breaking things when people trip on cables and stuff like that.
I’ve just bought a Zoom H2n and was looking for a lav mic to use. I read earlier from another forum post a recommendation of a lav mic which is a trrs mic. I saw on a youtube video earlier that trrs microphones are not compatible with Zoom handy recorders. Is anybody able to confirm.
Lavalier mics that use plug-in power generally have a TRS (tip-ring-sleeve, aka "stereo") kind of connector, which in the mic's case, allows not for stereo recording, but for power to be supplied. I don't know why some mics have TRRS plugs, but I'd say don't get one of those, or if you do, you'll [probably] need an adapter for the H2n, which says it has a 3.5mm "stereo" input jack.