Your settings opinion on my setup


New member
I'm curious as to how/what settings some of you would use for my setup. If like to see if the way I set it up is similar and how I can improve. Your opinions and time are appreciated. Keep in mind I only record hiphop vocals.

Audio Technica AT4040 microphone
Presonus Tubepre
Presonus Audiobox usb
Studio One 2
Well I would plug the mic into the pre, the pre into the audio interface, and then that into the computer :D

But seriously, there are no magic settings. You just have to do whatever fits on the song!
You can't use the tubpre, at least not properly.

That audiobox has no line inputs so it'd be mic -> audiobox -> computer.

The only 'setting' is the gain and that just depends.
I guess I wasn't very specific.
I have everything setup and in proper working order. I just don't have any formal training so I was curious to are what levels/settings/features people with similar gear use. And why can I not use the tube pre properly?
I guess I wasn't very specific.
I have everything setup and in proper working order. I just don't have any formal training so I was curious to are what levels/settings/features people with similar gear use. And why can I not use the tube pre properly?

Because you have no preamp-less inputs on your interface. Therefore the signal will be running through the gain on the preamp AND the gain on the interface.
Is that a bad thing?


A bit of background:

The output of a microphone is a very low level analogue audio signal. Because it's so low, before you can do anything else with a microphone signal it has to pass through a pre-amplifier which raises the level to what is know as "line level" which is a standard signal used in audio processing equipment like mixers, outboard effects or, in your case, an analogue to digital converter.

A mic pre amp is a critical piece of equipment since it has to add 40dB to 60dB to the level from the microphone without adding undue noise, distortion or colouration to the signal. This is the reason many people, including yourself, choose to use specialist pre-amps. You perceive that your Presonus Tube Pre is superior to the ones in your Audio Box.

The trouble is, by running through the Tube Pre and then the Audiobox, you are NOT bypassing the pre amps in the interface and any perceived problems with those pre amps will still be added. I suppose an exception to this is noise since that tends to be related to the amount of gain being added and you've turned the gain right down. However, you are also not getting all the perceived benefits of using the specialist pre amp.

If it all works for you, great. As I often say, there are no rights and wrongs. But you're not getting the full benefit of using your Tube Pre by working this way.
Well damn. So basically the tube pre is pointless in this specific setup? I need to switch interfaces to really utilize the tube pre?
Afraid so. I just downloaded the manual and specs for the Audio Box and the Tube Pre and they won't play very nicely together.

If you feed XLR out of the Tube Pre into the Audio Box, you'll have to set the Tube Pre levels artificially low to avoid overdriving the Audiobox (since the XLR inputs there are designed for mics only and won't go down far enough to handle line level properly). If you use the quarter inch jack outputs from the Tube Pre into the jack inputs of the Audio Box, there is an impedance mismatch because the Audio Box jack inputs are for high impedance instruments, not standard line level.

Your options for now are to run your mic straight into the Audio Box and ignore the Tube Pre....or buy a different interface with Line Level inputs. That would be the key phrase to look for on any replacement interface: "balanced line level inputs". You don't actually need mic inputs on your interface at all if you like the Tube Pre.

I hate being the bearer of bad tidings. :(