You got Monitors? Listen to this!


New member
How's this sound on your Monitors?

Can you guys help me out again? I made a new beat yesterday and I want to know how it sounds on different sets of monitors. I am looking for overall sound quality. This is an mp3 (which sucks) but it's better than guessing what it sounds like on other systems. Can you please check this out and let me know how it feels to you. I used a very good set of TANNOY monitors and it sounds extremely good. Of course I would like to know how this sounds on a regular speaker system as well.

1. How does it sound (overall)
2. What monitors do you have
3. How do you like the beat.

I wanted to chop up the chillies for a while but never did.
Here's the link.

Thanks all.
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Hot sample...I love that song.

1. Good...bass sounds a little rough...but not necessarily bad.

2. Event PS6s with speaker modeling through my mixer. This sounds good through all the settings I tried.

3. I'm feeling everything about this except that guitar that comes in towards the end of the verse. It works with the change up, but it doesn't sound good (sounds off key) before the change up. Otherwise, I like this one alot.

Hit my thread up if you get a chance.
Sounds good,

Few things are

1-mix sounds kinda thin

2-its a little lop sided..dont know if its just me though :confused:

Overall good job,lots of creativity here :)
Cool thats good info.
I made a few changes, please let me know if this is any better. I re-the bassline and made it sound cleaner. Also, I add a few other little elements as well. I made it a little fuller too.

This is not mixed, it's right out of the reason timeline as is. I did not edit the tracks yet. I want to get some feedback before I mix it down.

Thanks in advance guys.