Yamaha n8 Mixer BRAND NEW


New member
First off, I'll 'fess-up. I purchased this jewel without knowing to very important pieces of information which I will share with you now. 1) It uses firewire to connect to your computer 2) an ASUS notebook doesn't have the physical room to install a firewire port card. OK, now you've learned my lessons. This was designed with Cubase in mind (Yamaha now owns Steinberg) but, will work with any DAW. 4I/O, reverb, compression, multiband EQ and a boatload of other cool stuff. The MSRP is $1200 but, they are going for $800 on eBay. This puppy can be yours for $700. PayPal or, if in the Houston vicinity, cash. Email whymark@aol.com.

This is a limited time offer so act now!!!