X-Man movie submit??? What do you guys think?


So, Love Lode, my resident band it seems, was thinking ahead when they wrote this song over a year and a half ago. It is entitled "Rogue". It is about the X-Man character.

Anyway, this is a 5 hour mix on it. Not perfect by any means, but something fun to listen to. Another 4 hours really would have made this mix rock I think. Of course, I can't do much about the performance issues involved. So let that be a lesson about hiring a Producer BEFORE you go into a studio...... :)

Ed Rei
Echo Star Studio www.echostarstudio.com
Ed, can't get to the rouge MP3. Get a 404 error. Can get to your site but there are no links to the MP3's there.
Had to listen with head-phones again, but WOW! Its time for a "Ed does a drum post, micing, processing ect". My printers all warmed up. Nice mix over all, but really liked those drums.
Hey that was some tight stuff. The tightness overrode any taste of bubblegum. Brought to mind the Spin Doctors. I thought the vocals could be slightly more out front, but this is again, slight.
What was up with that 42ms void starting at 152.010 seconds into the piece?
Another opinion from my 11 year old daughter, "The're better than the Backstreet Boys! They have potential."

Now thats a huge demographic.
drstawl, I am posting the final mix tonight. I believe that the vocals will be a bit more in there. Also, I took care of a few little things that were bugging me.

Layth, tell your daughter that this band started playing together before she was even born (they are on their 13th year, although the whole CD is on hold because the band really isn't even together anymore...long story that I am not at liberty to explain). Anyway, the purpose of me mixing it for them was so they can submit it for the X-Man movie that is supposedly coming out. We will see if the studio is interested in this cut. I sure hope so, it would mean a significant producing fee for sonusman. And sonusman likes fee's..... :)

As far as micing. Hmmmmmmmmm.....I posted one a long time ago on here and it really didn't get all that much response. I will be brutally honest here. It will actually sound like I am bragging, but I don't care.

I CAN RECORD DRUMS AS WELL AS THE BIG BOYS, AND IN A LOT OF CASES, EVEN BETTER!!! But, I make my money by knowing how to do this. If I am a bit reluctant to share this hard one knowledge, can you blame me???

Hey Dragon, maybe I could write an article on micing drums. I will give this tid bit though, back the mics away when tracking. If a mic is any closer than 6 " to the drum you lose the ambiance. Here is another. X-Y micing of the overheads gives a more realistic imaging and really cuts down on phase cancellation. Here is one more, only use SM-57's on toms if you want that big tom sound. LOL, that is it!!!

Anyway, thanks for the feedback.


[This message has been edited by sonusman (edited 12-16-1999).]
Hey sonusman,,are these guys making zillions$$ yet? if not they should be. ala spin doctors for sure, but the mix was also just as impressive! tight as anything ive ever heard,did you mic the bass guitar or line in? will you even answer that ole mighty one? I know Im not worthy,,only starving.....You da Man!!!

Thanks for the feedback. Love Lode is not making millions at this point because they are not really together anymore. I just mixed this so they would have something to send in if it really does turn out that they are going to make an X-Man movie. Rumor has it that one is already in the making.

As far as how "tight" the production is, that is a result of a band deciding to do whatever it takes to get the kind of sound they wanted. Although Love Lode is not made of money, they saved for a year to be able to have a good budget for this CD. Already they have spent about $4,000 to track the CD. Will take about $300-500 for some really good track editing, about $3000 to mix it well, then about $1000 to master. Let's not forget artwork for the cover, film output, etc...etc....etc.... Then, about $1300 to actually print 1000 CD's. So they need about another let's say $7000 to finish. That would make the total production cost at about $11,000 for 15 songs. Not bad, but still a lot of money. Now consider that the average band would have wanted to get the same thing done for about 1/4 that price. So where do you think they would have tried to save the money at???? You got it, on recording and mixing it. You gotta have some bucks to get some good production on tape.

Anyway, I am not generally a great fan of micing a bass guitar really. What I uaually do is take a direct from the instrument to a countryman DI then to a tube mic pre. Then I take another feed from the amp DI out to a tube mic pre. Be carefull to check for phase problems.

Anyway, I have found with mic'ed bass that you have to put up with a lot of crazy junk from the speaker response and room issues.

Well it loads like lightning now, but you can't squeeze much 192Kbps audio into 85KB!
Well, 3.6 seconds anyway. How about the rest of the re-mix? One thing I learned in this forum was that it's always good policy to check the filesize against what you think it should be before uploading.

Sorry to say it, but fair song, with a really good mix. The song doesn't grab me for an X-Man movie - a little too wimpy and boring sounding! Ashame, because the first 25 seconds (intro) has such GREAT promise.

Ed, I agree with earlier postings...you rule on recording drums...and just about eveything else. Only thing I can hear that might need improvement is to bring the vocals out a little bit. They are a little muddy on my monitors.

I always enjoy your posts. Just wish I knew how to get the awesome sound out of mixes like you! My favorite is still "Secret Heart"...I listen to it all the time. Unfortunately, Rogue is about to hit the cutting room floor.

Happy Holidays!

The band sounds kinda like early Descendents. The mix jams. Very clean and loud unlike a lot of mine where if you listened real close, you can probably hear my dog farting in the background.

I also wish I knew a reliable, talented drummer(oxymoron?) around here, so I wouldn't waste so much time trying to extract real sounding drum tracks from fruityloops.

I don't know much about the new X-Men movie coming out but it seems most movies of late based upon superheroes have had a darker, more ominous feel to them than this song offers. But who knows......


I sure wish I had a demo that I recorded way back when I was using a Fostex X-26 4-track cassette and a Roland DDD-5 drum machine. I was able to program that sucker to pretty much have a very real feal, and it didn't even have much in the way of sequencing offsets like most new machines have. I had to make a beat patch with "mess up's" to give a real feel to things. But it was possible. It only took about 10 hours to program a song. But, the results were pretty stunning. The demo that I am refering to, we hooked up the DDD-5 to another Roland rack mount tone module and got some pretty great sounds out of it. All of my friends who where drummers wanted to know what studio drummer I hired for the recording. They were kind of shocked when I told them it was a drum machine.

You just gotta think like a drummer, and be careful about the drum sounds you pick out of let's say a Alesis D-4 or something like it. If the programming is good (meaning that it sounds like a real drummer playing) you should be able to get some pretty realistic sounding drum patches. But it really takes some patience to do.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I will be letting the band know.

By the way guys, think about the kind of people that will be watching an X-Man movie, 5-10 year old boys. All of the young "men" that we have played this song for really dug it. If the movie comes out within the next year I think the song might fly. If not, well, it will just be another silly Love Lode song that might have been. (there are many unfortunately)
