World Goin' Down


Well-known member

a new mix from me,
this is a groovy tune with acoustic guitars, electric slide, and a bunch of vocal harmonies.
will be on an upcoming album re-release.
it's a bit different from my latest instrumental releases.
Sounds like a lot of fun with those guitar riffs, even if the theme and tone of this song is adding some anarchical flavor to the prospect of the end of the world, heheh.
Sounds like a lot of fun with those guitar riffs, even if the theme and tone of this song is adding some anarchical flavor to the prospect of the end of the world, heheh.
hey tripMX!
thanks for listening

yea, the guitar was fun, kinda funky...
i guess it's the down beat, and the strumming against the beat.
sometimes, i just come up with these decidedly 'funk' style beats,
thats cuz i spent years traveling with a pro cover band full time, and we played a sh!te ton of funk tunes!! LOL

rolled off a bit more low end off the acoustic guitars,
shifted the frequency peaks of the kick and the bass guitar.
i like this one better!