what pre amp should i use!?


New member
I am new to recording and just bought a rode nt1a that i am going to be using for vocals. I am recording into a tascam 2488 and transfering my tracks over to FL 9.0 for now intil i upgrade. would i need a pre amp? what kind? i want the vocals to sound good. Thanks guys :D
I note that the tascam 2488 has balanced mike inputs and supplies phantom power.

You don't need a separate preamp. The ones in the tascam will be quite adequate for your purposes.

If you can't get the vocals sounding good with the NT1 going straight into the tascam, then a pre-amp is not going to help.
I note that the tascam 2488 has balanced mike inputs and supplies phantom power.

You don't need a separate preamp. The ones in the tascam will be quite adequate for your purposes.

If you can't get the vocals sounding good with the NT1 going straight into the tascam, then a pre-amp is not going to help.


Also... you have a 2488 :)...im jealous. I'll trade you a picture of George Washington on some green and white paper for it :p
haha ok. Its the original model, got it when i was 15 and have been making crap demos on it til about now. IM trying to actually make things sound good. ebay has some good deal on the neo model
budget and style?

For vocals, any of the neve style pres are usually popular. I use a GAP pre-73 for vocals most of the time. I also have an API clone I use a lot too though. For vocals, the only pres I really don't like a lot are the super clean ones (i.e. the ones that come in most mixers/interfaces and RNP) even though they are great for everything else.

But, even the built in pres in mixers/interfaces will get good results, and if you're not getting good results with those, the pre won't be the magic bullet. If you're ready to step it up a bit, the neve style are what a lot of people like and for $300 you'll find a ton of uses for the GAP.