Wastelands MP3


New member
Well, after listening to others mp3 posts for quite awhile, I finally got around to posting one of my originals on my web site. Sorry, its big (5.8 MB), but I converted it at 128kbp to try and keep some sound quality. It was recorded entirely on my Korg D-8, mixed down to computer, and mastered in Sound Forge 4.5. Any advice/constructive comments appreciated. BTW, I already know my lead guitar bites! :)

Did you use any kind of compression on your vocals? I just listned one time to get a first impression and the inconsistant level of the vocals kind of stuck out. Everything else sounded real clean, a little to clean for me, but pretty good. Anymore tunes? Check mine out if you get a chance.
Crazy Horse,
Thanks for giving it a listen. You are right about the vocals. I didn't compress the vocal tracks...just the entire mix when I mastered. Plus I have had a tendency to hide the vocals in the mix, so I probably overcompensated on this one. Think I could have gotten some of the "cleaness" out by micing my Mesa Amp instead of going direct from the PX3?
Well, I tool Crazy Horse's comments, and dirtied up the lead guitar and put a little compression on the vocals. Reposted the mp3 with these fixes. Glad to hear what anyone here thinks.