Volume Peaking In Logic Audio HELP!


New member
Can some one please give me a hand...
i'm using Logic Audio,
I have several songs recorded without vox, and all the sounds are good, clean signals..
I haven't had alot of experience mixing but I've got the hang of it only problem is I try to mix the song to sound like popular tracks today and I put in a cd of somthing and try to match the volumes of the instruments and so forth to make it the same, cause you know somtimes you mix a track and it's good but it's quieter than most cd's or tracks doesn't have that punch, so the problem is I try to match the levels and I don't even get close and they are all peaking and they distort, why is this I mean if people can mix a track on a pop cd at a certain volume then why can't I get that same volume ?
i'm using a fast computer
with Logic Audio 4.5
An SB Live card and I keep swaping monitors around to make sure it sounds good through everything like a discman a homesterio etc etc...
So if anyone could help out i'd be most obliged, cause I really don't know, it could be my soundcard not being able to handle it but then again if I play the seperate tracks in an external wav player then the volume is fine..