Vocals in a closet?


New member
I've been thinking it was my best option for the past month (I'm new, just ordered an mbox and a condenser, 1st take in 2 weeks or so).

My closer is ~7 by 9 feet, ~9 feel tall. Filled with cloths. All I'm doing is vocals. I could run the cables and station the laptop outside, no problem.
Is it going to be too small? I have just read it might actually make the vocals worse...

I also have a smaller room thats about 10x15 feet. The problem with that is there is a window and two of the walls are empty.


Any opinions?
try em both and see what's better. In the end, a small closet nor a bigger untreated room is going to sound as good as a decent sized (10x15 isn't bad) properly treated room, but realistically, no one starts home recording in a perfectly setup and treated room. You gotta get your feet wet, right. Assuming the 10x15 room isn't actually empty, that would be where I'd start- I mean is there a bed? a couch? chairs? bookshelves? Does it sound like an empty cavern when you talk in there?
Does it sound like an empty cavern when you talk in there?

No, it doesnt. There's a bed (one side), desk/computers/window (one side), closet door/shelfs (one side), empty wll (drywall) dividing two rooms. Ill see, I'll give it a try. Any recommendations on to how to "improve" it?
rigid fiberglass or rockwool basstraps. Put em in the corners of the room. If you are setup for mixing in there, then treat the first reflection points between the speakers and your ears RealTraps - How To Set Up a Room. If you're more concerned with getting a good place to track vocals, then you could build a "gobo" or two. If you'd rather not build your own, you can buy from Realtraps or GIK

Here's a typical bass trap GIK Acoustics: GIK 244 Bass Trap

and, here's is something similar to what you'd hear refered to as a 'gobo'

of course, you'd want to cover that fiberglass (the yellow part) with some sort of cloth....:)