

When playing albums on my record deck I seem to be getting a quiet pre-echo. Its not noticable during the songs but you can hear it in the silence just before each track begins. Can anyone help me cure the problem.

Record deck? Haven't heard that one before, but then again somewhere they slipped "Kick" drum in as a replacement for bass drum. No, I'm not getting old. I've just been busy the last 20 years!

Anyway, the arm of your turntable (if I may) will pick up hum and vibration from.......well, anything. Even itself. If it has a groung strap, make sure it's connected. If it's sitting on top of an amp, take it off. Turntables need to be isolated from any other equipment that have fans or transport motors. Good plyant feet are a good idea, too.

God, I hope he was talking about a turntable and not some new piece of hitek I haven't heard of!:D
Hold Everything!!!

It just dawned on me what you were talking about! That's what I get for skimming rather than reading! My bad.

Anyway, are you perhaps inferring that (for example) just before "Hard Days Night" starts in full volume, you can hear, ever so faintly the chord that starts the song, and then boom! There's the chord in regular full volume?

Since I was a kid I've wondered what the purpose of that was or what it was a result of. The fact is I don't have the first clue! But I do know that there's nothing you can do about it. It's in the vinyl, not in your system.

Of course if you're transfering vinyl to CD, you can edit it out.

Glad you brought that up....maybe someone knows the tech answer.
I hear that too sometimes. But does it happen on every track? I didn't notice.

Maybe what they recorded on the master tape was recorded over something else that wasn't erased properly. I'm just guessing here. I would sure like to know too.
Another of life's mysteries. I don't know that I hear it on every track, but I hear it on every album. But then, I hear all kinds of strange stuff!

I buried Paul.
I'll check a few more albums. I said it's on everything but in actual fact I've noticed it on a few and assumed the others are the same.
The smear

I was once told that one of the many secrets to analog was when the master tape was recorded, usually fairly hot, that as the tape wound on to the reel and laid over the previous section the small magnetic field present would magnetize the section of tape above and below it. I do a lot to 1/2" and sometimes I think I hear it and sometimes no. But I do know of old guys who used to use different reel sizes and say it helped to adjust the delay of the "smear". Maybe they were just pullin the wool but it sounds feasible.
Yeh. It's refered to as Print Through. Some guys in the dragon cave think the same. I've heard this on my own tapes now and again but i assumed the big boys would be careful enough to avoid it. maybe not.