Version 4.1.5 kinda screwy???


Juice box hero
I have 2 systems and both exhibit the same problem. If I use compression on any track or more than 3 effects, nTrack will quit as soon as I hit the play button. Anyone else seeing this? It was fine in earlier versions.
What "build" are you using??? It's in the Help>About menu.

Note that they are already up to 4.1.6 build 2049, so it may not be a problem anymore...
(Flavio is going nuts right now releasing new versions daily as he fixes and adds things)

I'm using 2040 and it does not do what you describe....
It's acting very funky, telling me that too many DSP threads are running when I'm using absolutely none. It says the processor is runnung at 7%, then overloades. Maybe I don't have enough memory...

I'm running an Athlon 2400+ with 256MB of RAM.

Should I get a DSP card, or switch to something like Sonor? N-Track seems really unstable.
256mb of mem is not enough, especially if you are running XP as your OS. I have 1gb of mem, with a P4@2.8ghz - with HT and have used comps and efx on 10 of 16 tracks(not frozen) and usually run about 60% of CPU.

Also check for any apps running in the background too, like... system restore monitoring, firewalls, anti-virus auto protect.
I upgraded to 4.0, and NOTHING worked right for me since then. I figured it was because Flavio is now building the software using architecture. Which my current machine does NOT agree with. Lots of "errors" etc.

I went back to the last 3.3 build and I haven't looked back since. Sure, I'm missing all the cool new tools, but what's the point, if I can't run the thing.

I'll look into upgrading to 1 GB of mem, before trying again. I just need to get some money together...
PhilGood said:
It's acting very funky, telling me that too many DSP threads are running when I'm using absolutely none. It says the processor is runnung at 7%, then overloades. Maybe I don't have enough memory...

I'm running an Athlon 2400+ with 256MB of RAM.

Should I get a DSP card, or switch to something like Sonor? N-Track seems really unstable.

In options make sure "Compensate Plugin Latency" is unchecked and make sure DSP Priority thread is set to "1".

Are u using ASIO or WDM?

Yeah n-track is very buggy sometimes. Im planning to swich over to m-powered pro-tools by mid march.
I added 512MB of RAM and things got much better. I can record 8 simultanious tracks and run most effects without a headache. It still blows up if I use compression and any effect, though.
I can run 24 tracks with 24 reverb/delay plugins in cubase with a celeron 2.9 w/256 mb ram. I'm not saying you should run out and get cubase but you might want to try another multitrack prog and see if you still have problems before taking any more advice on upgrading your pc. Download a free prog or trial and see if it gives you problems.

I don't think your ram or cpu have anything to do with your problem.
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