Unwanted noise.

Hello, I am new here. I have a matched pair of Behringer C2 microphones that run into Behringer Uphoria interface. They have worked good for a month or so micing various things, mostly my piano and guitar. Last week however, every time I hit a B flat on the bass end of the piano it's gets a mild to heavy crackle under the note. I ran them into my Presonus Interface as well and same issue.
What's more confusing is notes lower than the B flat don't seem to make the crackle. Any thoughts would be appreciated thank you.
First things is establish if it is just one or both. Just one of the pair that objects on the bass side of the piano suggests it has become resonant perhaps from being dropped? See if it is level dependent. Move it a little further away and see if the problem decreases. If the dodgy one is fine on the other side, problem solved. If both do it, i guess the piano could be the cause? Play a gradually ascending note by note pattern with the key pressure on each one as close as you can and look at it in your DAW. See if that Bb is louder?

I have heard, but never experienced myself, that slight condensation in the capsule can cause odd resonances and some noise. I have had the noise, and successfully cured it with a couple of days in the boiler cupboard, but not the resonance.

Any chance of hearing it? That will help us.
In the last year I have bought two sets of C2s. One set was shipped to son in France who found that one was noisy. This does not seem to be damp but a dodgy connection in the XLR area. He was 'fairly' pleased with the sound of the mics on classical guitar but now he has a pair of Lewitt LTC 040s he sees the Behringer's shortcomings. You can hear the 040s over in the microphone section.

This is not to say the C2s are not very good value for money for anyone who wants a pair of SDCs to experiment with stereo. Just be aware that QC might not be up to snuff.

First things is establish if it is just one or both. Just one of the pair that objects on the bass side of the piano suggests it has become resonant perhaps from being dropped? See if it is level dependent. Move it a little further away and see if the problem decreases. If the dodgy one is fine on the other side, problem solved. If both do it, i guess the piano could be the cause? Play a gradually ascending note by note pattern with the key pressure on each one as close as you can and look at it in your DAW. See if that Bb is louder?

I have heard, but never experienced myself, that slight condensation in the capsule can cause odd resonances and some noise. I have had the noise, and successfully cured it with a couple of days in the boiler cupboard, but not the resonance.

Any chance of hearing it? That will help us.
Sure I will export a sample. The riff starts in B flat so you will here it immediately
Only crackles from C2 I've dealt with were from the capsule not being screwed on all the way on the body and dirty switches that it goes away if I work the switches a few times.
But I noticed sometimes on certain room resonate notes, I had to use the high pass filter before or it would crackle.