Trying to connect a Focusrite Clarett 8pre to a UA Apollo Twin X via ADAT


New member
Hello. I am having an issue with passing audio through from the 8pre to the Apollo and Luna software. Here is what I have done so far. What am I missing? Thanks
1. Connected cable
2. Set Apollo clock source to ADAT
3. Set Clarett 8pre clock source to Internal
4. I/O Matrix on Apollo appears to be correct. Channel 9 ADAT 1 and so on.
5. both sample rates are set to 48000
6. I have mic plugged into channel 1 on the 8pre. I see signal on the 8pre meters but nothing on the Apollo or in Luna
7. Luna audio track is set to ADAT1
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I found the problem. I had to set the Clarett ADAT Outputs to Analogue 1-2 and so on. Audio is now passing through.