The Next Great Audio Interface.


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Those of you who have read of this Winters NAMM in California, Or those of you who have been lucky enough to attend, have probably heard of a lot of new toys on the market, oh how I drooled when I got the latest issues of MusicTech and Sound on Sound at some of these, The one what caught my eye the most would probably be the Focusrite RedNet system using an ethernet style port and breakout boxes as audio interfaces, to be honest, after swapping over to my new macbook a few years ago and being stuck with just USB as an option I was a little disheartened as so many good i/f's are either Firewire or this new Ethernet protocol,

But alas this poor macbook has seen better days as has my current interface and I've been dying to upgrade both thinking something along the lines of an M-Audio Fast track ultra 8r, but after opening safari and navigating to the apple page to check out the new MBP's that they have released I've noticed a brand new I/O port that rivals even USB 3 for speed and power, 20Gb a second, the size of the apple mini display port and its name is Thunderbolt,

I know it sounds like a cartoon superhero or something of the like but by God the specs are making me a little hot under the collar. How long do we have to wait until one of the big boys cashes in on this format and released a Thunderbolt Audio Interface? At those speeds latency could virtually be a thing of the past, let alone the power that these new MBP's can throw out.

Anyone got any idea's how long I'll be waiting till all this NAMM stuff becomes the slow bulky interfaces of yesteryear?
Its an interesting little number alright I love the idea of the USB key to track on the fly
Wow Behringer have really taken a step up over the last year or two, I was never a massive fan of their products but I gotta say, they seem impressive, don't know if I'd trust the in built effects, I'm still a bit iffy :P but I can always use my other outbound anyway, who know's I could be swapping :P
Their built in effects are as good as any other.
Two banks of effects is becoming more common place among their gear.
The new Thunderbolt Technology is suppose to be the 4 times faster than ESATA.
And is bidirectional. The news is Apogee is looking forward to incorporating in their
new symphony interface. Avids appears eager also to use it.
Looks like it will be exclusive with Apple for the first year.
Hi All,

I am thinking of purchasing the Behringer UFX1604 but what is stopping me is the lack of user feedback on the unit? I ask myself why? Has anyone had any experience with this unit. I have seen the X32 but space for me is a real consideration.

So has anyone used the 1604, or maybe know someone who has?
