Texas Girl new song in progress


Active member
Haven't written in awhile. thought I'd share. Todo list vocals in in last verse and outro. Replace drums with real drums.
Thoughts on arrangement, mix, song in general.

96hz 24bit (just exit login window to listen to wav file)

(Abandoned song)

View attachment Texas Girl.mp3
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I like the guitar sound on the left.

The piano on the right sounded a little cheap. I like that keyboard sound in the solo though.

Vocals sound good to me. They get buried just a little bit in spots.

The drums sounds, especially the snare, don't fit the rest of the song. The snare is almost techno. The cymbals get a little washy in spots.

Harmonica was unexpected, but a nice touch. Again just a little buried.
Cool tune.

It would be much better with ‘organic’ sounding drums.

And personally I’d love to hear a bit more guitar, it seems a little buried. But that’s just a matter of personal preference.
We could nit-pik sound forever lol... so, I won't go there. I recognize the "create as you go" feel to this anyway ;)
However, you could do a lot with the arrangement! Chop it up, make it less repetitive, add a rhythm and key change/solo, kill the music and punch out the VOX here and there...
You know you've got an interesting hook, time to "work it"!
:thumbs up: