teac 80-8


New member
has anyone any expirience with these machines. i have one already, but i have not do alot of recording to it yet. i have the chance to purchase another one that is identical to the one that i have. would i be able to somehow sync these two machines with each other creating 16 tracks? i am totally analog illiterate. my only expirience is with that old cassette 4 track i had when i was 14. both machines have dbx noise reduction units with them. how much do you think these are worth?


There are some 8-tracks that you can make chase the 80-8, with the correct synchronizer. You'd get 14 tracks that way (not 16). Getting the two machines to the same starting point would be somewhat inelegant as well.
If you get in touch with Mr. Patchbay at http://www.flash.net/~motodata/patchbays/ he has some pix of his 1st studio circa 1975 and he had 2 80-8s. He may be able to give you some insight.


P.S. Oh yeah, and I don't think you'll even get 14 tracks out of syncing 2 of them together. I think you have to leave a blank track between audio and time code or you'll likely have crosstalk from the time code on track 7 of each machine. Somebody else may be more informed about this though.