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i am using a yamaha mt4x for multitracking small acoustic ensembles. it is a familiar and comfortable format, but i am aware of its drawbacks. i have been investigating alternatives, including minidisc, stand-alone hard-disc recorders, ADAT, and home-computer software-based systems. i have gotten so many different stories about these items, i now have no clue whether it is worth it to change from what i know or not. as usual, cost is a primary factor, but at least as important is whether the new system is intuitive and user-friendly. the software i have tried on my computer (cakewalk 8 and n-track) has proven to be glitchy, prone to hardware conflict problems, and certainly not as intuitive as i would want. dealers have tried to talk me out of minidisc because of the unavailability of the data-type discs. the roland vs-series look pretty good, but i have always been wary of any box that claims to do it all. should i just stick with what i know, or is it worth it to learn some completely new system?