Studio Projects VTP-1 available?


New member
I saw the Studio Projects VTP-1 preamp for sale at and it listed the expected ship date as end of January. Is this outdated info, or is the VTP-1 now available, and if so, has anyone bought one or tried one out?
sometime next month

todd from recently replied swiftly with a price quote for some mics and an answer for the above inquiry: "the sp preamp has not yet been released... due out sometime next month."

perpetual never release schedule i guess.
For your information, the following is a quote from Alan Hyatt, posted on 3-4-02..............

"As for the VTB-1...that word is like a nightmare to me

In either case, some of the backordered parts have been delivered, so while I do not want to quote a delivery date and jinx it, it is very close. At this stage of the game, I prefer to wait until they are in the door and shipping, but it to is not that far off.

Alan Hyatt
PMI Audio Group"

Maybe that answers your question.

It Is Close

As of yet, no we do not have a firm ship date. However we do expect it next month. This piece has everyone here very excited and we are looking forward to its arrival. As I am sure many others are too. We will let everyone know of any further updates should it be necessary.

Justin Hyatt
PMI Audio Group
I was awaiting the inevitable Gidge reply ;)
Haven't you realized our sole mission in life is to completely annoy you Gidge? Wouldn't you rather see 2 STP posts for every one of your MXL posts? You should really ink out a deal with MXL and start getting some sort of compensation for all your hard work. At least I can say I'm getting paid :D

All humor aside I'm not here to bash in anyway. I like to joke so please don't take anything personally. Being a Gen X'er I'm a very proficient "Board Warrior." And of all the boards I've seen this is one of the less hostile ones. So I don't intend to attempt to change that. I'll answer any questions that I can, I don't have the 30+ years of experience that the old man does but I'll try and learn in the process.

Gidge . . . come back to the dark side . . . we know you like it over here :D
Alan is really a Chinese guy who owns a mfg company and this is another one of his "personalities".

I bet we never see both of them post at the same time, hmm...
Hi Justin, welcome to our humble bbs.
You'll never be bored with the boards!

Is your dad taking a vacation or were we just too much for him?!
Seriously, I hope he's doing well, good luck on getting the VTP-1
out soon.
If it would make you feel better we could very easily both post at the same time :) Chess, no he hasn't been on vacation he was in Germany at the show. I'm sure he would have posted from there but hes found yet another way to ruin a computer. All be it easy to do with the ME OS that comp hapenes to be running, or ran lol. Either way I'm having fun fixing it for him.

Welcome to The HR Forums.


That was very restrained for you :D ...........don't tell me you are actually getting bored with "baiting" anyone with the surname Hyatt:) :D :) .

Hey guys...I'm back :D

Did you miss me? :eek:

Wow, this was cool to see my own flesh and blood on the group. I am happy to see Gidge continued his Hyatt harrasment...he will take it to his grave.

Germany was pretty good. Drank lots of beer, and even had a beer with Dirk Brauner and chewed the fat a bit. Not much new in products, so I was a bit dissapointed there.

We have been busy and are making progress, but nothing I care to mention because we are way behind as it is. This manufacturing thing ain't so easy. Anyway, I am back and getting settled in, so I will be lurking about.

Is it proper to welcome my own son? I think so...welcome to HR Justin. I'm glad you know more about the computer game, so maybe I will take lessons from you.

Alan Hyatt
PMI Audio Group
Dolemite, maybe you could be part of their band ala The Ramones!
(Then you could "share" a last name that way and be a "Hyatt")
Although the origin of your user name has an interesting background
too I take it....
Justin,welcome aboard dude.It's always nice to see another smiling face!:D

I was wondering where your old man was.I had thought he was trying to get the B-series on the street as I still need a B-3 bad.You better hurry though Alan,as I've been on a recent spending spree and I need a B-3 before I go too far into debt to afford one!! :D :D :D
The B Series is on the boat! It will land here shortly, but it will take a week or so to do the quality control and get them to the stores, but we are rounding thrid and heading for home, so hang tight... :D

Alan Hyatt
PMI Audio Group
Thats funny you know my last name is Hyatt too and I remember that day I was having my corn flakes and we were out of milk. So my daddy said he will go out and get some milk for me and he was never heard from again.

Now that I found you, I dont ask for much just one of those Mic pres. Ill forget about all those Back child support Payments. If not Im going on Jerry Springer.:D
Welcome to the board Justin....Hopefully you know that i mean no harm and all is in jest.......

and remember, i plug the C1 almost as much as the v67...that that means Daddy and Brent Casey owe me some ad monies......


no, i havent lost the baiting bug...i am the master baiter.......:eek: