

I'm trying to get a stomp type sound from Superior drummer (ala One Republic)
Is there a way of putting slight delays between the OH, close amb and far amb mics within SD?
Any other ways of achieving this sound?

Maybe render each track to an audio file individually, then import the audio files back in and add a delay by nudging.
All of those mics are available as individual outputs from the plugin. If you send them out like that, you can add whatever to each as desired, and then mix them back together if you want before adding overall processing. How exactly you accomplish that sort of depends on what DAW you're using.

Alternatively, I know that SD has plugins for the mixer, but I've honestly never really looked at them. Is there a delay in there that will do it?
Hi ashcat_it,
Thats "lt" (lower case L, as in Lorenzo's Tractor). ;)

So then you need to figure out how to get the multiple outputs. I haven't used Cubase in a while, so I can't really help there. It's probably in the SD manual, or else I'm sure if you search "Superior Drummer Cubase" on YouTube, you'd find a few tutorials.