Source for cabinet screws?


I walk the line
I've got a line on a super cheap empty 4x12 cab, but the guy can't find the screws for the back.

I've looked online at MF, GC, Sam Ash, & Sweetwater, but I don't see any.

Anyone know of a good online source?
You could try the local hardware store? From what I remember when re loading a couple of cabs the screws were not anything particularly special. Even if you take one out of another cabinet as a sample or google the size before visiting the store.
I thought of that, but I figured I'd need those little donut-type washers that go with them. Also, I don't have any to take to the store as a reference.
You can get the washers from Graingers among other places, just look for Upholstery Washers and ignore the steamvac ads...
So do you not have band mates that show up late to the space or something?

Seriously though, I've had many cabs that don't use washers, but have a flange head on the actual screw.
They are just wood screws and finishing washers. You can buy them at
The dimpled washers are called "cups"... at least over here they are. They are available widely. For screw size. just try a few odd screws and if they take the thread of the old hole easily they will be the ones to go for. I'm guessing one inch 8's cos they are the most common size for that sort of job. If not then 6's.... Just find a screw that fits and get the cups that you like...
This was a joke thread, right? I mean I'm cautious and anal about some things but cab screws? Is it a 1962 pre-Rolla Basket weave 200 watter or something?
Tone is in the washers.

Some people don't subscribe to the theory, but I'm a believer.

And yeah, some guys just go to the hardware strore and get new ones and then 'relic' them, but I buy only the real deal vintage.

Had a line on buying some washers that were on one of SRV's cabinets once, but I was outbid.

Anyone know what cab washers go best with Vintage 30's?