Soundforge 8 plugins/performance


and The Brain...
I still use Cakewalk 9.02 for my multitracking (aint broken, never needed to fix it :D). I noticed that since I went from a desktop to a laptop, and my processing power changed/dropped, that the Soundforge 8 plugins seem to take forever to complete. The Graphic EQ plugin ,for example, takes 10 minutes to complete a single 5 minute track with the highest quality setting. This same plugin would process in less than a minute on my old 4ghz desktop (P4). The free cakewalk plugins go much faster, but don't do as good of a job (often distort the track if it's a little hot, even when just reducing frequencies :rolleyes: ).

Is there anything I can do to 'optimize' the plugins in Cakewalk to get them running a bit faster? Otherwise 9.02 runs as well as it did on the desktop, it's just the Sony/Sonifoundry plugins that seem to be slowed by the change in processing power.
i wish i could help ya but im lost when it comes to plug ins . . . can i ask u though - just how do you save a plug in (like downloaded from the web) so that the software (in my case - sony vegas4) can utilize the plug in?
The Soundforge plugs are optimized to run >in Soundforge< as off-line processing, not as real-time inserts to other programs. Nothing you can do about that.

Gully, if it's a VST plug, you should be able to point vegas to a central vst folder.
Just make a folder ( c:\vst ) and drop all the vst .dll files into it. Then use the preferences in vegas to add that folder to the path where it looks for vsts --- yes, you'll have to read the Help files or the manual...
Thanks Tim. Sadly you're correct. I have since moved on to a newer version of Cakewalk and a newer/faster desktop PC, and the plugins are processing in a more realistic time. The best part is that the newer versions of Cakewalk apply the effects in real-time, so I don't have to apply the effect and then undo if I need to modify it...