Soundcard problem


I use the E-MU 0404 soundcard. I recently upgraded from XP to Windows 7 and now my soundcard doesn't work properly. The sound is very distorted. I tried downloading the latest driver and that cured it for a while, then opening Cubase made it go distorted again. Running "Troubleshoot Common Computer Problems" cures it, but opening Premiere-Pro or Cubase makes it bad again. What can I do?
Are you sure you have the new driver selected in Cubase devices? Also I would un-install the old driver, then make a clean install of the new one.
I don't want to be the voice of doom but Creative have effectively stopped supporting the E-MU range in 2010/11. They release some Beta drivers back then--some found them okay, others have the problems you describe and a fair number just get no sound at all.

Having a look at the E-MU users forum on the Creative site shows a lot of irate users and no word from E-MU/Creative in years.

It's all too bad because they were darn nice interfaces. However, I suspect you should start saving up for a Focusrite or something.
Deleted old driver - now it wont download a new driver at all. So I'd better get a new soundcard. I want a good soundcard and preferably one that comes with Cubase LE because I was having problems with Cubase too. Recommendations?
All the Steinberg units work well and are reasonably priced, you might as well go with them knowing they are fully compatible with their own software. I had the UR22 the least expensive unit, and it works crystal clear. If you want to stay with a pci card I use the M-audio 192 with Cubase and Win7 with no problems. Beware of Focusrite Saffire line. Great unit but didn't work with my setup. Scarlet series is probably better. If you have another old computer you can always use the old EMU as playback card for listening to music. RME also makes a good PCI card but pricey.