Sound Of Silence - Cover of a Cover

well......I am assuming why no one has commented yet is because they don't know how to respond. The "music" part sounds pretty good except that the vocals are a little too "upfront and dry". As far as the vocal delivery, you have some sparks of excellence in your voice, but then you seem to over exaggerate a lot of your parts and it throws off your tone and semblance. To me, it just sounds like your trying too hard to sound like Disturbed and not like yourself. Just sing it in your voice man! Take your time and be intimate with it!
I agree completely. I hear and feel exactly as Bruthish does.

Make it your own with your own voice man. Emulation is just karaoke. Personal expression is you.
Some very cool musical moments....what are you using for the various strings...some nice arranging..

On the vocals...It sounded like you were very nervous starting out and your accent was pretty noticeable...not that that is a bad thing if you're not trying to make it sound like american english. It also seemed you were still not comfortable with all the various timing and phrasing in the also did struggle with pitch in places.

The various ways you went about singing throughout was also a bit strange to me mellow and then like angry yelling... I love the original, I really like the disturbed version too. I have dabled with this song off and on for a few years now but still not ready to press record on it...

being as you have a really nice audio track...I recommend putting at least a few hours experimenting with the whole vocal part and how you want to approach it...record each effort and after an hour or so of takes go back through them and get an idea of how you want the final to sound and then do takes till you have it.

Bruthis was very good at pointing out someof the rough stuff in this take and I agree with both he and Jimmy that you have a great voice you just need to make this your own...It only took me about 40 years to kinda figure out a way to use mine