Songs Needed for Radio promotion

Right, it's almost a no-win. I look at it like this:

You can work your ass off and do everything the "right" way
You can do nothing, spam minimally at your own convenience, and wait for that lucky break

Either way your chances of success are pretty much nil. To make things worse, or better, I think the odds are stacked against an artist so badly now that you'd have just as much chance of success by sitting back and doing nothing as you would if you hit the pavement hard every single day.

Haha. Yeah, I see your point.
I work with a guy who has taken 'useless' to a whole new level. The amount of shit that just falls in his lap never ceases to amaze me. :facepalm:
Nothing big, of course, but enough for him to remain lazy.

I can only think of one lad from here who could actually see going somewhere and, to be fair, he always stood out of the crowd.
Even still, he may never get there.
If anyone here had the answer on how to make money in music, they would be doing it themselves.
That's not entirely true. Some of us are making some kind of money in music and related fields.

I like to use the phrase "gold-rush economy" to describe music. During a gold rush, the only person who consistently makes money is the guy selling shovels. So I do band websites for a company that also does merch fulfillment. Massive does mastering. There's money to be made, but there's probably more money to be made selling services to aspiring musicians than there is money to be made as a musician.
I think that's what H was getting at with the idea of selling songs to musicians. It's a thing. I'm not entirely sure how one gets one of those publishing deals where they sell songs to signed performers, but it's probably not a bad living if you can write a few hits.
Nashville has thousands of songwriters, many contracted to write for certain agencies. Trying to break into the 'songwriting for others' market is hard as 'making it yoruself' these days.

Selling something physical or intangible to musicians/bands is more lucrative than anything else these days. I've made more money running 3 open mics in the last 6 weeks than from selling CDs for the last 3 years. :facepalm: