Sonar 6 Home Studio question...


Nature of Force
Okay, what do automation read and write do, and how would I use them? I've looked it up, but I don't fully understand it.


"Write" is the mode you select when you want to create an automation "on the fly" for any given control in that channel strip.

"Read" is the mode you select when you want the channel strip to preform the automatons you have created.

Let's do a simple fade out "on the fly" aka "in real time".

Open up a project, go to the channel 1 strip and turn on "Write"
Now arm the channel for recording by pressing the "R" button.
Set the volume fader at 0db if it isn't already.
Go to your shuttle controls and press the "Record" button.
Sonar should begin to record.
Now go back to your channel 1 fader and slowly turn it down and "fade out"
Now stop the recording and rewind to the beginning of the recording.
Turn off the "Write" button and turn on the "Read" button.
Back at your shuttle, press "Play" and watch your fader fade out automatically.

This is the most basic automation technique that I can explain.
Maybe others will have more to add.
