Solvol Autosol?


Well-known member
Just watched The Repair Shop on BBC2 and the guy was getting an old BSR valve tape machine back in working order.

The process seemed ok until he started cleaning the heads with metal polish!
Now, I know Solvol is a very fine polishing paste but on tape heads?

Not seem that done before.

Just watched The Repair Shop on BBC2 and the guy was getting an old BSR valve tape machine back in working order.

The process seemed ok until he started cleaning the heads with metal polish!
Now, I know Solvol is a very fine polishing paste but on tape heads?

Not seem that done before.


When they lap heads, they also get polished during the process...but using a polish (not familiar with "Solvol"...?) as part of the cleaning process...I don't know about that. Unless of course the heads were really in bad shape, and he needed to remove metal oxidation.
I will assume that since this was a TV special, the guy knew what he was wasn't just some guy experimenting. :)
Yo! yeah, lapping heads I would think would be done in precisionjigs and fixtures? Not with a bit of rag on a guy's digit!,+Polish+&+Wax-_-636217&istCompanyId=b8708c57-7a02-4cf6-b2c0-dc36b54a327e&istFeedId=62b447cf-331e-4fec-a47a-9985ff72d404&istItemId=lprar&istBid=tztm&_$ja=tsid:94971|cid:1537736793|agid:58408799213|tid:pla-328746603331|crid:291898456448|nw:g|rnd:18071906771183254221|dvc:c|adp:1o1|mt:|loc:1006959&gclid=Cj0KCQiA89zvBRDoARIsAOIePbDVhGVOHDBlPjlXBX3ZkzTg5xyG56E2iqkyAQcvsev4F7i2zak7ECIaAmgnEALw_wcB#

That's the stuff, bet you use similar with all YOUR car chrome!

Well that links didn't work, still you can Google.

Unless it was someone like Terry Summers or Ted Kendall doing the repairs I'd assume that he probably didn't know much about head lapping. Mind you - it was a BSR so not exactly high quality.