Should I ditch the Fostex?


New member
This is posted in the Analog Forum also but I thought it might get more response here.

I have an old Fostex X- 26 4 track, its in good shape, I use good tapes and clean it often and have a Shure SM-57. But I find the sound quality is just not that good. I am thinking about trading it on a Tascam a 414 if I can. I don't have much money so I am hoping a trade and a little cash can be worked out.

Anyway is there anything I can do to Improve the sound before I do this? Can anyone tell me why I shouldn't ditch the relic, if you can?

Oh yea, I am not comparing it to digital, I am compairing the sound quality to a Porta3 a Porta 5 and a 414. Tring to compare apples to apples.


instead of going for a different cassett multitrack..Look into a Fostex DTM 8 or DTM8VL..Used they are about $300.00 they are 8 tracks 16 bit uncompressed audio...They would sound much better than going for a cassett...and its still about what they a chargeing for the Tascam 414.Good luck
