Recording with VST Plugins - Cubase


New member
While tracking via Cubase, it's possible to add plugins to the (red) recording tracks. The inserted plugins are then printed to the recorded track. Does any of you guys got experience with this? What are the pros and cons? It sounds cool to be able to track for example with a SSL G-channel plugin going to a J37 tape machine plugin and letting this be part of the recorded sound. Does it bring an added value to the eventuel recording or does it create other problems like phase...

Like to hear your thoughts.

Plugins that are 'printed' with the track being recorded? You don't have to render/bounce them to a new track? Why would you even want to do that?
Plugins that are 'printed' with the track being recorded? You don't have to render/bounce them to a new track? Why would you even want to do that?

Just wanted to know if there were any downsides on tracking and putting vst plugins on the recording channels
Are you asking about recording instrument plugins on MIDI tracks, or applying effect plugins to audio tracks?

Either way, there shouldn't be a problem-- although it really depends on the plugins, because there are a lot of free plugins out there on the internet and they vary in quality.
There should be no problem - you are not 'printing' the VST onto the track when doing this. People do this to monitor the track how they prefer the sound to be (adding reverb to a vocal track, for example, or adding distortion/delay to a guitar track). Once tracked, you can tweek (or even remove) the VST.
Actually mjb, they are 'printed' to the track when inserted on the input tracks. Cubase full versions have them. They are not the actual tracks one would mix from.

I really see no reason to place inserted effects there. You are then stuck with the effect you recorded.

I suppose if you recorded with an amp VST placed on the input track, you would save computer resources for mixing later, but like I said, you will be stuck with that sound. The sound itself would be no different than if you added it after it was recorded. It's all digital once it leaves your interface and into Cubase.
Ok, hadn't heard of anyone doing that with a DAW and VSTs, only outboard equipment. It was a feature on the stand-alone Boss recorder I once used. You were stuck with the insert effects once tracked.
I really see no reason to place inserted effects there. You are then stuck with the effect you recorded.


It very much depends why you wanted to print the effects in the first place. If you can add it as a plugin on the way in, you can add it as a plugin later and be much more flexible with things.
I'm always wary of plug ins that emulate the 'sound' of vintage kit. In many cases these plugins add distortion or odd eq as part of the their 'character'. Kind of nice sounding destruction of the highest sonic quality we can record. Not knocking them, but surely the key feature about modern recording is the highest quality - so recording with these destructive plugins is crazy. Add them afterwards by all means if they float your boat, but save them for the mix.